FADE IN: EXT. STREET IN FRONT OF COURT HOUSE- DAY Traffic crawls past a crowd of fifty NATIVE AMERICAN and LIBERAL HIPPIE TYPE demonstrators covering the Courthouse lawn and sidewalk. They carry signs reading, "Stop Brutality...Equal Justice... Veiled Violence...Racist Pigs Must Pay." A group of LEGAL TYPES traverse a crosswalk leading from the parking lot to the courthouse, causing an old beat up pick-up to stop next to the Protesters. MOKI STANDING DEER, a handsome Native American Protester, in his mid 20's, glances at the truck. MOKI Hey, there he is! Moki points. The crowd turns, then converges on the truck. INT. BILLIE'S PICK-UP, FRONT OF COURTHOUSE- DAY JIM BURKE, a bear of a man in his mid 40's wears Police dress blues and gazes out the passenger window. WILLIAM R. BONNEY, (Billie) a thin and somewhat haggard country lawyer in his late 50's, drives slowly into the crowd. MARIA BONNEY, a Native American beauty in her mid 40's, sits between the two men. The Protesters surround the truck, shouting and waving their signs. Maria reaches up to Billie's hand resting on the steering wheel and squeezes it. Billie gives her a reassuring smile. The Protesters start banging on the truck. Jim nervously taps tightly clenched fists on his knees. He fidgets barely able to control his anger. Moki jumps up on the hood, squats down, then points through the window at Maria. MOKI TRAITOR! Maria winces and snuggles against Billie. He puts his arm around her. Jim clenches his teeth and breathes short choppy breaths. Moki sneers at Jim. MOKI RACIST! JIM YOU WANT SOME! Moki turns to Billie and grins as Jim reaches for the door handle. Billie draws a stub-nosed .38 and levels it at Jim's head. The crowd quiets. Jim turns his bulging eyes to Billie. JIM What the hell are you--- BILLIE Keepin' you from giving them exactly what they want. Billie nudges the truck ahead slowly. BILLIE (to Moki) Get down, Moki. Moki, backs down the front of the truck slowly, jaw clenched. He stands on the bumper staring at Billie. CU of Moki's face: as his eyes flutter for a second. He weakly steps off the bumper to the side and turns away as Billie pushes forward. Moki reaches into the watch pocket of his jeans, pulls a small white pill and surreptitiously slips it into his mouth. He sighs. EXT. COURT HOUSE, SIDE- DAY Billie drives slowly past a row of 6 Police officers blocking off a protected area. Some nod to Jim, others tap the truck and try to smile. Billie pulls up and parks near a side door. INT. SMALL OFFICE-DAY RIT DARNES, a bull of a man in his mid 50's with dark hair and a strong jaw walks into the bare interview room. SUSAN WHITE, a pretty and smartly dressed woman in her early 30's reads from a stack of papers at a small table. Susan looks up at Rit sincerely. SUSAN I really want to thank you for this opp--- RIT Heh, your record speaks for itself. Rit crosses behind Susan and leans over her shoulder to see the papers before her. He invades her space by leaning a little too low. POV Rit: He glances at the papers, (jury profiles), then back to the nape of Susan's neck. Susan tenses as her eyes strain to see Rit without moving her head. She shuffles the papers as she scoots her chair back gently, then stands. They face each other almost eye to eye. Rit wears the hint of a grin as Susan's swallow hints at her uneasiness. Susan walks toward the door. RIT What a team. INT. COURTROOM- DAY PROSPECTIVE JURORS sit attentively in the jury box as Rit checks his notes at the prosecutors table, then confers with Susan. Billie, Jim and Maria sit at the defense table in front of rows of onlookers. The Native American half of the audience wear serious faces filled with contempt and hate. Billie's leather saddlebags, filled with files lie on the table in front of him. Jim fidgets as Maria writes on a legal pad. Billie, seemingly oblivious to the goings on, cleans his fingernails with a small pen knife attached to a gold chain. JUDGE NANCY COLE, a stunning woman under a prim demeanor in her early 40's, bangs her gavel to quiet the rowdy courtroom crowd. JUDGE COLE I'll say this once. (beat) I want quiet...or I'll clear this courtroom. (beat) Mr. Darnes...continue. Susan whispers in Rit's ear. Rit, grins mischievously, then whispers back. Susan leans away from Rit as a distasteful tension grows on her lips. Rit turns toward the bench. RIT The State accepts this jurist. JUDGE COLE Mr. Bonney? Billie folds his knife and looks up at LISA KELP, a perspective jurist in her late 30's. BILLIE Ms. Kelp...do you have any children? Lisa smiles reflectively. LISA Two little girls. Billie looks to Judge Cole. BILLIE Defense has no objection to this witness. Jim, tense, leans over into Billie's ear. JIM That's all you're gonna ask? Billie sighs and gives Jim a smile. (LATER) Billie looks at JOHN MASON, a prospective male jurist. MR. MASON No, my wife and I have never been blessed with children. BILLIE We'll exercise one of our exemptions. John frowns as the Judge sighs. Jim leans over to Billie. JIM What's wrong with him? Billie gives Jim an enlarged grin. A SERIES OF SHOTS: show PROSPECTIVE JURIST, either nodding yes and smiling, or wagging their heads back and forth, as Billie faces them. He reacts positively to every yes answer and excuses the jurist who wag their heads, no. JUDGE COLE We will convene at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning for opening arguments. (beat) We are adjourned. RICKY (V.O.) All rise. Judge Cole slams the gavel down, rises and walks toward a side door. RICKY, a burly court bailiff in his early 40's stands watching her disappear. INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE COURTROOM- DAY Billie, Jim and Maria exit the courtroom into a bevy of REPORTERS shouting questions and snapping photographs. Jim blinks and turns away. MANNY a Latino in his late 20's and KAREN, an attractive woman in her early 30's, shout loudest. MANNY Officer Burke, what do you think your chances are? and they will recognize his innocence, once the facts are in. Kathy eyes Jim hopefully. He looks at the floor, then brushes past Billie, headed down the hall in the opposite direction. MALE REPORTER Mr. Bonney! You built your reputation on defending the oppressed and minorities. How do you feel about representing the establishment? BILLIE Son...one of us better check our facts...cause the last time I noticed...I was representing the smallest minority on record, a truly innocent cop. Everyone chuckles. FEMALE REPORTER Mr. Bonney, is it true that you really are the great grandson of Billie the Kid? Billie grins, then turns and follows Jim down the hallway. Jim nears the side door, looks up and sees CAPTAIN ADAM GREY, mid 50's, heavy and balding leaning against the door jam. Jim's jaw tightens. ADAM How do you think you'll like prison, Burke? Get ya a cute little boy to--- Jim's eyes bulge as he makes a fist. ADAM Please hit me. Jim holds the fist in place for a second, then pushes the door open and walks out. EXT. SIDE DOOR TO COURTHOUSE- DAY Jim bursts through the side door and walks toward the truck. Halfway there he stops, turns and looks at the bushes against the courthouse. CHARLIE CROW WING, a Native American in his mid 30's with a battered face in the midst of reconstructive surgery, stands starring at him. Charlie gives Jim an evil little grin, then turns and walks away. Jim starts after him as Billie and Maria step out the door. Billie instantly sizes up the situation. BILLIE (to Jim) Jim! Forget it. Jim stops and turns to Billie. JIM He broke the restraining order. BILLIE Don't you see what he's tryin' ta do? Billie takes Maria's arm and walks away as Jim grows a slow pout, then turns toward the truck. EXT. COURTHOUSE PARKING LOT, ACROSS STREET- DAY Smoke drifts from a slightly opened window of a white Lincoln Continental in a mostly deserted corner of the Courthouse parking lot. Moki looks around suspiciously as he nears the car. Moki opens the passenger door. Rit Darnes sits puffing on a cigarette. He smiles at Moki. Moki climbs inside. RIT We need more protesters and--- Moki slams the door as Charlie Crow Wing watches from an old car parked down the row. EXT. BILLIE'S OFFICE, FRONT- DAY A run down office sits on a back street dominated by Native American passers by. "THE LIZARD LOUNGE," sags into the concrete on the corner next door. An old and crumpled Latino, Javier, waits patiently near the front door that reads, "William J. Bonney... Attorney at Law." A huge red spray painted circle covers the glass door. Printed inside the circle: "QOCHATA." Billie, Maria and Jim pull up out front and park. All three stare at the paint on the front door. BILLIE Qochata... (to Jim) ...means white man and the circle...is infinity. JIM Thought your grandpa had a some Indian blood? Billie opens his truck door, then twists his head around and stares at Jim. BILLIE (ironic smile) You know...you're the only bigot I ever met that I can't help but like. Everybody gets out. Maria follows Jim out the passenger side. She catches up with Jim and wraps an arm around his biceps as they walk toward the office. MARIA (softly) I saw Kathy and Jim Jr. in the hall. Jim wags his head and sighs. MARIA She needs--- JIM Don't...please. Billie stands next to Javier staring at the paint on the door. He pulls out a wad of cash, peels off four $20 bills and hands them slowly to Javier. He never takes his eyes from the glass. BILLIE Looks like we need new glass, Javier. JAVIER No Patron, a little gas and a good brush'll--- Billie kicks in the window with his boot, shattering the glass. He turns to Jim and nods toward the corner of the building. Jim follows Billie around the side. EXT. BILLIE'S OFFICE, REAR- DAY The old concrete building's paint peels in the sun as truck parts and empty oil drums litter the sparse grass. A Harley Hog sits parked under a rusted tin shed. A ladder leans against the side of the building leading to the flat roof. Jim wags his head as he follows Billie up the ladder. EXT. BILLIE'S OFFICE, ROOFTOP, REAR- DAY Billie loosens his string tie and takes off his jacket as he steps up onto a plywood platform. Astro turf covers the top of the 8 inch high stage. Two buckets and a pile of golf clubs rest next to it. One bucket sits filled with golf balls, the other with water. JIM I was wonder--- BILLIE Pay attention. Billie hands Jim his wallet, jacket and pen knife then dumps the bucket of water over his head. He shakes, then picks up a ball and the driver. He tees the ball and hits it across a wide open field at a huge old greenhouse 150 yards away. Many a partially broken or missing window pane dominates the structure, but in the center of a circle of missing panes sits one unbroken pane. The ball sails silently through an open pane. Billie kicks at the pile of golf clubs and picks up a nine iron. He tees a ball and hits a high shot that falls short of the greenhouse. JIM Billie, I need to get going. Billie tilts his head and grins at Jim as he raises an index finger. He picks up a seven iron and tees another ball. It sails high and far enough to fall on the top of the greenhouse, sending the TINKLE of broken glass through the light wind. Billie turns to Jim and waits. Jim looks at Billie like he's crazy and shrugs. Billie squats down on the platform and looks up at Jim. BILLIE A trial is a lot like golf... (beat) A whole lot depends on the approach. (long beat) Let me hear it again. Jim releases a deep sigh and sits down next to Billie. CU JIM'S FACE: Sweating as he grows a dazed look. INT. CHARLIE'S APARTMENT- DAY (BLACK AND WHITE) CU Jim's face enraged, then bug-eyed terrified. DYANI, a young Native American girl in her late 20's sits crying, huddled in a ball on the downstairs couch next to an empty whiskey bottle. Charlie Crow Wing stands at the top of a set of stairs holding the baby boy, TSE, above his head and cackling maniacally. He throws the baby toward the bottom step. A PHONE RINGS. EXT. BILLIE'S OFFICE, ROOFTOP, REAR- DAY (RETURN TO COLOR) A phone rings inside a plywood box. Billie gives Jim a smile, then stands and walks to the box. He lifts the lid, grabs the receiver and pulls it to his face. BILLIE Yeah. (unenthusiastically) I'll be right there. Billie hangs up, then walks toward the ladder. He snatches his coat, wallet and pen knife up from Jim. BILLIE Try and get some sleep. I'll see ya in the mornin' EXT. JIM'S HOME, FRONT YARD- DAY Jim steps off his Harley and walks dejectedly toward his front door, eyes to the ground. It opens as Kathy appears, holding Jim Jr. in her arms. Jim stops in front of her and looks down. Jim Jr. coos and the worried look on Jim's face turns to a short loving grin. Jim holds out his arms. Kathy places Jim Jr. in them. JIM (baby talk) What's daddy's little man doing...huh? Jim drifts back to his serious look. Jim Jr. grins up at Jim as he swallows and fights a tear. Kathy pulls his arm. INT. JIM'S HOME, ENTRY WAY- DAY Kathy lets go of Jim's arm and closes the door. She reaches up and touches his cheek. KATHY You okay, Honey. Jim sniffs, clenches his jaw, then takes a deep breath. JIM I just keep thinkin' about being locked up with all the assholes I put there... (beat) ...if anything happens to me, I want you to--- Kathy puts her finger up to Jim's lips, then looks lovingly at him as she wraps her arms around him, then hugs him tight. CU of: Jim's worried face resting above her shoulder. EXT. NATIVE AMERICAN TENEMENTS- DAY Moki stands on the bed of an old flatbed truck, waving his arms and SHOUTING to a crowd of 30 LISTENERS as Billie drives up behind him in his truck. MOKI We will send the message that enough is enough. Be there by 5 AM so we can be first in line and fill the courtroom with--- Billie slams the door of his pick up. Moki turns around and looks over at him. MOKI You're not welcome here. The crowd mutters. BILLIE (to Moki) Wikvaya Chu'a! (One who brings snakes). MOKI Qochata! (white man) You're fouling the air of truth, old man! Billie climbs up on the truck bed next to Moki. They stare at each other briefly. BILLIE So if I'm a stinking white man... (beat) ...what does that make my son? Moki stares into Billie's eyes. MOKI Ashamed. EXT. JIM'S HOME, FRONT YARD- EVENING Two cars pull up, each holding two men, and park. SERGEANT DAVE KOLWOLSKI and OFFICER HARRY KWAHU, (early 40's), step from one car as OFFICERS GEORGE BALT and KEN CLINE, both in their in their late 30's, step from the other car. All four walk toward the house. They all wear worn and different police blazers over their civilian clothes. Dave and George each carry a six pack. Jim opens the door and looks at them quizzically. JIM What are you guys doing here? DAVE Heh, you're not going ta let this...political crap get in the way of poker night are ya? GEORGE 'Sides if you don't play... who's money we gonna win. Jim grins, then eyes his buddies suspiciously. The four men look at each other...shrugging. JIM Get in here. EXT. JUDGE NANCY COLE'S MANSION- NIGHT Rit and Nancy embrace standing next to Rit's Continental parked at a side door. They kiss. Rit smiles his best charming grin then kisses Nancy's hand. He swivels away and jumps behind the wheel of his car. Rit backs up and kisses the air just before he drives off toward the front gate. Nancy smiles. INT. RIT'S CAR- NIGHT Rit can't help a smirking chuckle as he drives through the yawning front gates. INT. MOKI'S APARTMENT, LIVING ROOM- NIGHT Law books and file folders dominate every available space in the dwelling. Posters proclaim injustice and involvement in the Native American movement. A dozen signs lie stacked against a few beat up file cabinets. Moki shows a few Native American FRIENDS, early 30's, to the door and closes it. He walks to his couch and sits down wearily. He reaches under a pillow and pulls an almost empty bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey out. He kills the last three ounces. Moki lifts a stack of mail from the coffee table and begins opening it. He pulls a letter from an envelope and holds it out to read. CU OF LETTER: from Texas Bar Association. It reads," Mr. William Bonnie Jr., You have one opportunity left this year to sign up for the Bar Exam being given on the 18th. Failure to register will result in a three month delay of your right to practice law in the state of Texas." Moki slowly rips the letter in half, then looks at a pill bottle on the table. EXT. BILLIE'S OFFICE, ROOF TOP, REAR- NIGHT Billie sits at the top of the building, his legs hanging over the side. A worn guitar rest on his lap as the full moon rises over the greenhouse. Billie pulls an old photo from his pocket BILLIE stares at the picture and remembers. The photo shows Jim, Maria, Billie and a young Moki on a creek bank. Billie lays the photo down, then plays the intro to "Stuck in the Middle." The picture comes to life triggering: A SERIES OF BLACK AND WHITE SHOTS: Billie, Jim, Maria and a YOUNG MOKI, 12, fishing on a CREEK. Jim standing in the back of the crowd at Moki's graduation. EXT. BILLIE'S RANCH- NIGHT A full moon drenches the ranch yard in soft light. Billie and Maria rush from the house as Jim drives his patrol car up the road to the ranch house. Jim steps out of the car and opens the rear door. Moki lies wet and passed out in the back seat. Maria gasps. INTERCUT: COURTHOUSE-DAY Moki stands on Billie's truck looking at Jim. * MOKI "RACIST!" * * * JIM "You want some!" EXT. RANCH- NIGHT Jim hold his hands up to Maria and nods that Moki is okay. Maria rushes to Moki. Moki moans an few epithets. Billie pulls her back and pulls Moki's shoulders from the vehicle. Jim grabs his feet and the two men carry him toward the house. BILLIE "Where?" JIM "We busted a smack house over by the school. Had ta soak him and walk a few miles but...well, (beat) "I figured this state needs all the honest law students it can get and...with a conviction on his record..." Billie and Jim set Moki in a chair on the front porch. Billie looks up and catches Jim's eyes as Maria hovers over a moaning Moki. BILLIE "When ever you need my help...no questions asked... I'll be there." * JIM "Careful what you promise, I might take you up on it." Maria glances up at Billie with a worried stare. EXT. COURT HOUSE, STREET- DAY Moki stands on Billie's truck, looking at Maria. MOKI TRAITOR! BILLY(moody and reflective)"Found a picture of the family, on a happier day.We had smiles for the future, and knew the right way,To love one another...keep the family tight,But we ended up fightin', over who's wrong or right.CHORUS: Well I'm a late night, card playing, story tellin' fool. I stand by my conviction and the Golden Rule. I keep to my word, with help from above, but I'm stuck in the middle, 'tween people I love. * * * * * * * 2. Pride is a mountain, built a rock at a time, And facin' the truth, it's a long uphill climb. But love is a blossom, that clings to the vine. When a man has to choose...where does he draw the line? (INSTRUMENTAL BREAK FOR DIALOGUE) * * * CHORUS: Instrumental * * * * * * * * * * 3. Now I'm lookin' at a picture, wonderin' who's to blame. And why winnin' and losin', feels just the same. But I'm caught in-between, my honor and my heart. No matter which way I turn, I tear someone apart. * * Chorus: I'm a late night.. * * Repeat, "stuck in the middle, 'tween people ya love."EXT. Billie's office, rooftop, rear- night (RETURN COLOR)CU of Billie's right hand plucking strings on the guitar as the song ends. A gust of wind blows the picture across the roof as Maria walks around the corner of the building and looks up. MARIA (tenderly) Finished solving the World's problems yet? Willie looks down at her and smiles lovingly. BILLIE How'd I get so lucky? MARIA You got a heart of gold...and a cute rear end. (beat) Come on, I got chores and you haven't eaten all day. Willie nods and starts down the ladder with his guitar as a coyote howls in the distance. EXT. STREET OUTSIDE SUSAN'S APARTMENT- NIGHT Rit's Continental sits under the street lamp shadow of a live oak smoking a cigarette and watching Susan's apartment. A small economy car pulls up and Susan gets out. She bends her knees, smiles and waves at the unseen driver, through the passenger window. She turns and walks into her apartment. INT. RIT'S CONTINENTAL- NIGHT Rit watches as he jabs a smoked cigarette into a full ashtray, then lights another. A light comes on in the 2nd floor apartment, then the light in the next room. Susan walks to the window and closes vertical shades. Rit smirks as he blows out a large billow of smoke. RIT (V.O.) ...and after the fog clears... INT. COURTROOM- DAY Court, in session, sits silent as Rit addresses the Jury. A minimum of 80% of the ONLOOKERS carry Native American blood in their veins. Jim fidgets tensely as Billie stares off into space. RIT (slow) ...I am confident you will return a verdict of guilty. Why because you will know in your hearts that this charge of brutality was racially motivated and coldly carried out by the defendant, Officer Jim Burke. Thank you. JUDGE COLE Mr. Bonney. Billie pulls a ball with a string tied to it from a paper bag on the floor, then stands and walks over to a corner, stopping in front of a coat rack. He picks up the empty rack and carries it over to the front of the Jury box. JUDGE COLE Care to explain yourself Mr. Bonney? Billie smiles at Judge Cole, then ties the end of the string to the end of one of the rack's prongs and starts the ball swinging back and forth. BILLIE Sure Nancy. JUDGE COLE (annoyed) Try...Your Honor. BILLIE Yes...Your Honor. Billie turns toward the jury as he grabs the ball. BILLIE Let's say that this ball is reality...and your job is to pay attention and count how many times the ball swings back and forth. Ready? Go. Billie releases the ball. It swings back and forth four times. Billie causally turns toward Big Jim and SCREAMS as he runs toward the defense table almost diving, hands outstretched toward Jim's throat. Everyone's eyes in the courtroom follow Billie, except for Lisa Kelp. Billie stops just short of Jim, catching himself on the edge of the table and wheels around to face the jury. Rit leaps to his feet as the Judge bangs her gavel. Ricky, the bailiff, stands. RIT YOUR HONOR!Judge ColeBILLIE!Billie strides over and catches the ball. Everyone looks at each other...especially the Jurist.JUDGE COLE(cynical)I was not aware that P.T. Barnum was allowed to practice law in the State of Texas.BillieSorry Nancy, I mean Your Honor.Everyone takes a small breath as the Judge glares at Billie.JUDGE COLEAny more shenanigans and I'll make a point to see you spend the night in jail! Clear? Billie delivers a wincing grin to Judge Cole, then turns to the Jury. BILLIE How many times did the ball swing. All of the Jurists wag their heads, except Lisa. She lifts her eyes to Billie. BILLIE (to Jury) Anyone? LISA Fourteen. Billie, surprised, walks up in front of Lisa. BILLIE So there are times when...most of us... (glances at Lisa) ...no matter how determined we are to keep track of reality...another part of our being takes unrestrainable command of us. (beat) You are here to decide if a man is answerable to that uncontrollable creature within. You must decide if temporary insanity...is a reality. Thank You. Judge Cole lifts her eyebrows as she turns toward Rit. JUDGE COLE Mr. Darnes call your first witness. Rit stands. RIT The State calls Captain Adam Grey to the stand. Jim clenches his jaw as Adam appears from the back corner of the courtroom and walks toward the witness box. Jim looks over at Billie. CU OF BILLIE'S DOODLE: He draws a stick figure of a hanged man and gallows at the bottom of a list of names. Jim gazes questioningly at Billie as Ricky swears Adam in. Billie grins at Jim. RICKY You swear to tell the truth the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? ADAM I do. Rit walks out from behind his table and the jury box. RIT Captain Grey, how long have you known Officer Burke? ADAM Since the academy. We were rookies together. Rit looks up surprised. Billie makes a note. RIT Oh, I...didn't realize. But how is it that you are a Captain and Officer Burke still patrols a beat. BILLIE Objection! Calls for a conclusion on the part of the witness. JUDGE COLE Mr. Darnes...address your questions to the facts please. RIT Captain...do you personally know off any discipline problems Officer Burke has encountered. And if so could you relate them to us. Adam gives Jim a faint sneer. ADAM The first occasion resulted from an incident in a diner. Jim was, that is Officer Burke, answered a call and I was off duty. Jim came in... INT. DINER, COUNTER- DAY (BLACK AND WHITE) DOLORES, a pretty LATINO in her early 30's watches Jim as he rushes through the door. She points down the counter toward a big construction worker, in his late 30's named DAN. Adam looks on from a back booth. Jim walks cautiously toward Dan, who sits calmly facing the counter. A 90 lb. old lady, HELEN, in her 70's, sits on the stool to Dan's left. Jim walks up behind Dan. JIM What's the problem here? Dan turns around and gives Jim a confused look. DAN It's not me. Jim looks confused then notices Dolores waving at him. Jim turns his head and looks at her. She points to Helen. Jim looks at Helen then back to Dolores. He points to Helen. Dolores nods, yes. Jim taps Helen's shoulder. JIM Is there a problem Mam? HELEN Screw You, Pig! Jim looks at her then shakes his head and looks away. She sucker punches him in the jaw. Jim, amazed, grabs Helen from behind. She begins kicking and screaming. The whole diner looks on laughing. Jim looks to Dan. JIM Pull out my radio. Dan pulls Jim's radio out, looks at it, presses the talk button and holds it up to Jim's mouth. Helen continues to struggle as Jim holds on to her. JIM Code 30...request, OWH! a female officer. Adam just watches with a grin on his face as Jim fights to control Helen. Helen gets her feet up against the counter and pushes back, sending Jim and herself onto a booth table. Leftover food and dirty dishes fly from the empty booth as the table breaks. HELEN Let me go asshole! JIM Please Mam, just calm down. A patrol car skids into the parking lot. Two OFFICERS rush into the diner, guns drawn, as Jim fights to control Helen. Officer ELAINE WALSH, pretty, early 30's, steps around the snickering Officers, bends and grabs a chunk of flesh under Helen's arm, then twists. Helen calms down immediately. ELAINE All right Tarzan...let Jane go. Jim drops his arms as Elaine loosens her grip on the arm. Helen wheels around and punches Jim again in the nose. Everyone laughs as Elaine slaps cuffs on Helen. Jim, hand on his nose, heads toward the door, eyes on the floor. ELAINE What do I do with her? JIM Watch her left. INT. COURTROOM- DAY (RETURN TO COLOR) Billie rises. BILLIE Your honor, at the risk of interrupting an amusing tale, I fail to see where this is leading. Rit smiles at Judge Cole. RIT With a tad more of Your Honor's indulgence... I was just getting there. Rit nods to Adam. INT. LONG BRANCH SALOON- NIGHT (BLACK AND WHITE) Dave, George, Harry, Elaine and Ken walk into the Long Branch and up to the bar with Jim. The BARTENDER sets Lone Star beers in front of them. Jim, at the end of the line, broods as Adam watches from a table in the corner. DAVE And a shot of Jim Beam Choice for our lion tamer. (slaps Jim's arm) I mean, Old Lady Tamer. Jim frowns and looks at his buddies. JIM All right guys, that's enough. ELAINE Yeah, leave him alone. (MORE) ELAINE (CONT'D) Sides how would any of you guys've handled it? OFFICER SETH BARCONE, a stocky man in his 30's, turns to Jim from down the bar. SETH I heard that the reason she was squirming so much was because Jimmy was trying to poke her. (to Jim) Not gettin' any at home, Stud? The bar quiets as Jim turns and walks up to Seth. SETH Come to think of it...I've seen your wife and I wouldn't screw her with your--- JIM Heh! Jim, fuming, steps nose to nose with Seth. JIM Bad mouth me, but don't go raggin' on my wife. ELAINE Back off, Seth? Seth pushes Jim's chest back with his left hand. SETH I ain't no little old lady. Seth grabs a Lone Star bottle from the bar and swings it at Jim. Jim pulls back as the bottle whistles past his chin. Jim grabs the front of Seth's shirt with both hands and tosses him against the jukebox. A record stops playing as Seth's back CRACKS. Seth falls to the floor in a heap. INT. COURTROOM- DAY (RETURN TO COLOR) Jim shakes his head as Billie doodles. CU OF BILLIE SCRIBBLING: the hanged man stick figure. JIM (whispers) Those are your notes. RIT Now Captain, tell us...what was the outcome of this...temper tantrum. Billie raises his pencil into the air. JUDGE COLE The jury will disregard Mr. Darnes'..."temper tantrum," phrase. Answer the question. ADAM Jim was put on a probationary light duty for three months. The victim, Officer Barcone, was persuaded, by the department, not to press charges. Officer Barcone was forced to take a one year sick leave. He still has migraines. BILLIE Objection! Billie rises out of his seat and walks toward the bench. BILLIE Unless Officer Grey holds an unknown medical license or... (grins at Adam) possesses...intimate knowledge where officer Barcone is con--- JUDGE COLE That will be enough Mr. Bonney! The witness will keep any unsubstantiated remarks to himself. Judge Cole looks at her watch. JUDGE COLE If counsels have no objections, we will break for lunch. Rit and Billie nod, yes. JUDGE COLE I'd like to see counsel in my chambers, immediately. (MORE) JUDGE COLE (CONT'D) (bangs gavel) This court stands adjourned until 1 PM. Judge Cole rises and walks out. Rit leans over to Susan. RIT If you'll wait a few minutes, I'll treat you to lunch. Susan, picking up papers, forces a smile as she looks up. SUSAN I brought mine. Maybe another time. Rit sighs as he rises, then strides off toward the side exit. INT. JUDGE NANCY COLE'S OFFICE- DAY A KNOCK echoes through the door as Judge Nancy Cole unscrews the cap off a YOO HOO. She kills the whole bottle in one long GLUB. NANCY Come in. Billie leads the way through the door, followed by Rit. Billie carries a legal pad. Nancy motions toward two chairs. The men take the seats. Billie lays the pad on the corner of the desk. Nancy HICCUPS. NANCY Excuse me. Now Billie, this is your last warning. (hiccup) Any more balls with string...or sexual innuendo and I'll lock your scrawny butt up so fast, (hiccup) you'll need... (hiccup, twice). Billie smiles over at Rit. Rit tries hard to suppress a grin. Nancy's agitation blossoms. NANCY Thin ice, Billie. You're dismissed. (Hiccup). Billie looks over at Rit, then back to Nancy. BILLIE (to Nancy) Nancy, don't I get to hear you chew out Rit? Nancy HICCUPS again. NANCY Dismissed, Billie. Billie shrugs and walks out, forgetting his pad. Nancy Cole stands and walks around the corner of her desk. She stops in front of Rit. He grins, then stands and takes her in his arms. Nancy leans close to kiss him. HICCUP. NANCY That's a very pretty new assistant D.A. you've got. Rit grins charmingly. RIT Your Texas blue-blood, boiling with jealousy. I love it. Rit leans in for a kiss as a short KNOCK, reverberates through the door. Nancy bounds backwards and Rit swings around. Billie walks back in, eyes to the ground. BILLIE Forgot my pad. Billie walks to the desk quickly reaching for his notepad as he looks up at Rit and Nancy. Short breaths and a few beads of sweat dominate their foreheads as they both stare at Billie suspiciously. Billie picks up his pad, then turns and walks toward the door. BILLIE Whatta they say chocolate is a substitute for? Nancy glances at the empty Yoo Hoo bottle on her desk. Rit and Nancy look at each other questioningly as Billie walks out the door and closes it. Nancy HICCUPS. EXT. TACO STAND, RIVERSIDE DRIVE- DAY The Colorado river creeps by slowly as Billie's truck pulls up in front of an open air taco stand. Billie, Maria and Jim step out and walk up to the counter. Billie smiles at MIGUEL, a mid 30's Latino. Miguel nods friendly, then spots Jim and tenses. BILLIE Heh, Miguel. Two tacos for me. MARIA Me too. JIM I'll have a chili and a chalupa, please. Miguel looks up defiantly at Jim. MIGUEL All out. JIM Ah, then give me a couple of burritos. MIGUEL All out...and I just sold my last four tacos. Jim looks over at Billie. Billie rubs his chin and looks down at the ground. BILLIE Let's go. JIM (to Miguel) If something's eating you... you'd best spit it out. Miguel sneers at Jim. MIGUEL Just because I sell pork doesn't mean I serve racist pigs. Billie takes Maria's arm and walks toward the truck. BILLIE Jim, let's go. JIM (to Miguel) Ever hear of innocent until proven guilty? MIGUEL Ever hear of equal justice? Just because you're white don't make you immune, Blanco. Jim steps forward and stares at Miguel. JIM Who's the racist now? INT. HALLWAY, OUTSIDE COURTROOM- DAY Rit and Susan make their way through REPORTERS huddled around the courtroom doors. Cameras SNAP as the Reporters fire questions. MANNY Mr. Darnes, any fact to the rumor you'll run for governor if you win.KarenIs it true that campaign funds are being raised as we speak?Rit raises his hands. The crowd quiets as Susan smirks at Rit and walks through the Courtroom doors. RITI have a few friends that are eager to see a unbiased man in office...but, I'm just concerned with doing my job and keeping the streets safe for all Texans...no matter what their heritage. Rit turns and walks through the courtroom door. EXT. COURTHOUSE- DAY Billie drives past the demonstrators. He trades glances with Moki. Moki turns away. Billie purses his lips as Maria places a hand on his forearm. Jim looks away from the Protesters as Billie pulls around the side, then past the guards. EXT. COURTHOUSE, SIDE DOOR- DAY Kathy stands near the door holding Jim Jr. as she watches Jim lead Billie and Maria toward her. Jim stops in front of Kathy. Billie looks up to the couple. Maria puts a hand on Billie's arm, coaxing him inside. JIM (to Kathy) I asked you to stay home. KATHY And just sit there worrying my fool head off?...'Sides Billie said it was okay. Jim stares intently at Kathy as Jim Jr. Coos. Jim lifts the blanket over Jim Jr. and raises a huge finger to his chin. He tickles him. Jim Jr. smiles. Jim looks up at Kathy, fidgeting as he searches for words. JIM Sweetheart, maybe it'd be, better if you went to, your Mother's until this is over. Kathy opens her purse and pulls out a subpoena. Jim takes it and reads. His eyes grow wide. JIM What in the hell is Billie up to? He reads on. JIM This isn't until next week. Jim looks up and sees Charlie Crow Wing standing behind some bushes, watching him. His rebuilt face leers at Jim and Kathy. Jim grabs Kathy's arm. He opens the door and gently pushes her inside. Jim turns back to Charlie. Charlie cocks his head to the side and lifts his hand above his head, then sticks out his tongue. (a hanged man) Charlie straightens up and grows a sinister grin. Jim steps toward Charlie as Billie's hand reaches through the door and clamps down on his arm. Jim, eyes bubbling, turns to Billie. BILLIE They're about to start. Jim breathes deep and walks through the door. INT. COURTROOM- DAY Kathy sits in the back of the courtroom trying to shush Jim Jr.'s crying as Judge Cole BANGS her gavel down. Jim Jr.'s crying intensifies. JUDGE COLE Come to order. The crowd quietens as Jim Jr. cries louder. RIT Your honor, that...baby--- JUDGE COLE (to Kathy) Ms...? KATHY Mrs. Burke, Your Honor. JUDGE COLE Oh, I see. Mrs. Burke, in as much as this court respects... (slight gleam) Motherhood... in the future, you will have to make other arrangements for your child. I'm sorry but I'll have to ask you to leave. Kathy rises and exchanges looks with Jim. Jim nods. Kathy walks out the door as Manny and Karen get up and follow her out. Rit, sitting close to Susan, rubs the outside of her thigh with his index finger. She Glares at him and moves her chair a few inches away. JUDGE COLE Mr. Darnes...recall your---. Rit smiles at Susan. She looks away. JUDGE COLE Mr. Darnes recall your witness. INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE OF COURTROOM- DAY Manny and Karen slip out the door and spot Kathy shifting Jim Jr. in her arms. Manny steps forward. Karen hangs back. MANNY Mrs. Burke. Kathy turns around and looks at Manny. He stops short of her and pulls a palm-sized recorder from his pocket. He clicks it on and holds it toward Kathy. Karen fidgets in her large purse. MANNY Mrs. Burke how are you doing? Kathy peers at Manny a tad confused. She wrinkles her brow. MANNY Do you intend to divorce Officer Burke if he goes to jail? Kathy wags her head trying to understand. MANNY Are you afraid of your husband? Kathy straightens up and stares at Manny straight on. KATHY I don't know how you think you get the right to ask me those questions... (dazed beat) ...but My husband is now the most loving--- MANNY NOW? What was he before? Kathy turns away from Manny as Karen lingers next to the door watching. KATHY Go away. MANNY (slight arrogance) I represent the people Mrs. Burke and they want to know--- Kathy, short of breath, wheels around and glares at Manny. Manny reaches out with the tape recorder. MANNY (menacing) Did your husband knowingly beat Charlie Crow Wing into unconsciousness? INT. COURTROOM-DAY Adam Grey settles into the witness stand as Kathy screams outside the hallway doors. Jim jerks his head toward the scream. KATHY (O.S.) STOP IT! NOOO! Jim's eyes dart at the people sitting tightly around him. He jumps up into his chair and leaps over the defense table...He hooks a right and jumps over the small swinging doors that separate the gallery. He runs to the hallway doors. Everyone reacts, including Judge Cole, who furiously bangs her gavel. Billie pulls out his pen knife and cleans his nails. JUDGE COLE Ricky, get him! INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE COURTROOM- DAY Jim burst through the double doors to see Kathy slapping at Manny's recorder. Karen holds one of the doors open. The courtroom watches. Jim rushes to Manny and grabs the wrist of the hand holding the recorder. Manny turns to face Jim's anger. Karen snaps a photo as Kathy shifts the crying Jim Jr. upright to face Jim. Jim sees him and let's go of Manny's wrist. He puts an arm around Kathy and Jim Jr. as Karen snaps another picture. Jim turns toward the open courtroom door as Ricky reaches a hand to Jim's shoulder. JIM I'm okay. Ricky nods as Jim lets go of Kathy. Maria scoots her way through the developing crowd and wraps an arm around Kathy. Cameras flash as Ricky leads Jim back through the doors and Maria ushers Kathy and Jim Jr. down the hallway. Jim looks back and catches Kathy looking back. She mouths...'I'm sorry' over her SOBS. INT. COURTROOM-DAY Billie continues cleaning his nails as Ricky ushers Jim to a halt directly beyond the little swinging doors. They face a livid Judge Cole BANGING her gavel to resume control. JUDGE COLE Order! Order! The crowd quietens. JUDGE COLE (menacingly) Chambers counsels...and Ricky, bring the defendant. Judge Cole rises and walks out her side door. Billie walks up beside Jim as they follow the Judge. JIM Sorry Billie. Billie just looks up at Jim and gives him a grin. INT. JUDGE NANCY COLE'S CHAMBERS- DAY Judge Nancy Cole catches Ricky's eye and nods toward the door as Rit, Billie and Jim step into her office. NANCY Officer Burke, I'd like to convict or acquit you of one crime before you attempt another. Is that asking too much. JIM No Mam...I mean Your Honor. Billie steps forward. BILLIE Your Honor, my client's wife appeared to be in danger and his actions--- NANCY I was there, Mr. Bonnie. RIT I move for an immediate revocation of his bond. I also request that the defendant be handcuffed through the entire proceedings. Jim glares at Rit. Everyone waits as Nancy sits and begins tapping on her desk with a pencil. She purses her lips as she thinks. She looks up. NANCY No handcuffs...but the next disruption will find you spending the night in a cell for contempt. Do you understand Officer Burke? Jim nods sheepishly, yes. NANCY As for Bond...I'm going to raise it to $50,000. Jim and Billie look up, disbelievingly. JIM I can't...I mean I don't--- BILLIE I'll put up... Billie looks up to a portrait of SENATOR EARL COLE, early 60's, hanging on the wall. BILLIE ...my ranch. I know the Senator would accept it. Nancy glances at the portrait, then turns a stern glare towards Billie. NANCY Don't ever use my father to manipulate me, Billie. BILLIE (to Nancy) Have your clerk draw up the papers. Nancy looks to Rit. He sighs and wags his head. INT. COURTROOM- DAY Adam Grey sits in the witness stand as Rit paces back and forth before him. A folder lies in front of Adam. Susan opens a file to find a note inside. CU OF NOTE: "How 'bout dinner?" She crumples the note and glares at Rit. RIT Captain Grey...to what duty were you assigned upon achieving the rank of Lieutenant? ADAM Internal Affairs. Billie scribbles on his pad as Jim looks on, jaws clenched. RIT And did you in the course of your duty on the occasion of March 8th, 1988 begin an internal investigation on one Officer Jim Burke? EXT. BARTON SPRINGS PARK- DAY (BLACK AND WHITE) Jim and CLIFF FALTON, a thin Officer, early 40's, step off their motorcycles and walk toward a group of YOUNG GANG Types in their early to mid-teens sitting under a tree. ADAM (V.O.) Officer Burke and his partner Officer Cliff Falton answered a disturbance call at Barton Springs Park. Jim and Cliff stop 60 yards from the group. CLIFF I can handle this...why don't you get us a coke? Jim looks toward the Springs and a small snack bar. JIM Check your radio. Cliff pulls his walkie-talkie out and lifts it to his mouth. CLIFF 10-2? 10-2? The walkie-talkie on Jim's belt RINGS out Cliff's voice. Jim nods and walks off toward the Springs Snack-bar. Cliff walks toward the group of teens. They see him and stagger to their feet, walking off in different directions. One Teen, THOMAS REVEREZ, 13, thin and pasty sits with his back to the tree holding a half inflated brown paper bag in his lap. Cliff walks up and stops in front of him. Thomas looks up, a cocky grin smeared on his stoned face. THOMAS Oink. (laughs) Cliff squats down and reaches out for the bag slowly. CLIFF You better give it to me, Son. CU OF A PISTOL: concealed in Thomas' hand under the bag. EXT. BARTON SPRINGS, SNACK BAR- DAY (BLACK AND WHITE) Jim picks up two cokes from the counter and turns away as a shot SPLITS the afternoon air. He freezes and slings the cokes aside as he leaps into a full run. He jerks the walkie-talkie from his hip and lifts it to his face. JIM Code 20! Barton Springs! Jim jams the walkie-talkie into its holster, then draws his gun as he races round a row of shrubs. Cliff's crumpled body leans against the tree, deserted. JIM NOOO! Jim races up, then skids to a seated position next to Cliff. He rolls him over. Dark blood seeps from a hole in his lower chest. Cliff tries to talk but chokes on his own blood. He coughs spraying a few drops of blood onto Jim's face and chest. Jim sticks a finger in the bullet hole and jerks his radio from his belt. JIM CODE 30! Officer down! Barton Springs. Jim tosses the walkie-talkie aside and cradles Cliff in his arms. Cliff looks up, grins. CLIFF Damn kid. Cliff dies in Jim's arms. INT. COURTROOM- DAY (RETURN TO COLOR) Jim sits, eyes closed and head bent, as Billie rises from his chair behind the table. BILLIE Objection Your Honor, I don't see how this painful memory relates to--- RIT Defense counsel's supposed lack of understanding is preposterous. He knows exactly where I'm going with this and-- BILLIE Preposterous? Your Honor, is the prosecution's---RitI am establishing background as to---JUDGE COLE(bangs gavel, livid)Gentlemen! I will not sit through a long winded trial with tension in this community at the breaking point. (beat)Keep your objections to a minimum. Proceed. Rit turns to Adam.RITWill you describe the events following the killing of---JIM(mutter)Murder. Judge Cole whips her fiery eyes toward Jim. JUDGE COLE What did you say Officer Burke? JIM It was a murder. JUDGE COLE Mr. Bonney, if you can't control your--- BILLIE You Honor, I'd consider it a favor if you ordered me to gag him. Judge Cole glares at Billie, then turns back to Rit. JUDGE COLE Proceed. RIT You were about to tell the court, Captain Grey about the events that led to your investigation. Adam sighs deeply and straightens up in his seat. ADAM Officer Burke went on a rampage trying to find the kid. EXT. BARTON SPRINGS PARK-DAY (BLACK AND WHITE) A SERIES OF SHOTS: Jim, worn and unkept in his civilian clothes questions kids as he walks around the park. Some wag their heads, no. Some just shrug. TINA, an overly made up 14 year old wears a vindictive smile as she talks to Jim. Jim writes something down in his notebook. EXT. DOOR OF RUN-DOWN APARTMENTS- DAY (BLACK AND WHITE) Jim, in uniform, stands in front of MELISSA HOMES, a tired looking woman in her late 30's, holding a baby on her hip in a half open door. MELISSA (nervous) He's not here and he don't know nothin' 'bout it. He was home that day. Jim glares at her, defying her story. JIM I think I smell pot. Jim pushes past Melissa and walks inside. INT. RUBEN'S ROOM- DAY RUBEN HOMES, a plump kid in his early teens sits on his bed smoking a hash pipe as Jim steps through a partially open door. Ruben quickly hides the pipe behind his leg. Jim pulls out his badge and holds it open as he walks toward Ruben. JIM Tina told me that you were there when...(swallows) my partner got shot. RUBEN I don't know nothing. Got a warrant? Jim steps forward, reaches across Ruben and grabs his wrist that holds the pipe. JIM You're gonna like reform school. Ruben struggles as Melissa steps in the room. MELISSA (loud) Let him go! I'll tell you. It was Thomas....Reverez. (soft) He washed off the blood here. EXT. BARTON SPRINGS, SNACK BAR- DAY (BLACK AND WHITE) Jim closes in on Thomas standing in front of the snack bar counter. A crumpled paper bag sticks out of his jacket pocket. Jim holds a picture up. CU PICTURE: of Thomas and Ruben. Jim checks the photo against Thomas, then slips it in his pocket. Jim loosens the thong on his holster and draws his revolver. He points it straight up. JIM (hollers) Freeze, Police! Thomas jerks his eyes around as he backs toward the snack bar counter. The crowd scurries between Jim and Thomas. JIM Thomas Reverez... You are under arrest for the murder of Officer Cliff Falton. Thomas reaches behind his back. Jim leaps for him, left hand outstretched and grabbing for Thomas' arm. A muffled shot explodes behind Thomas. His stomach arches forward. He falls back against the snack bar, then lies motionless. Jim reaches over and checks Thomas' pulse, then pulls the gun from Thomas' hand. Jim jerks his radio out and stands. He looks down at Thomas as he lifts the walkie-talkie to his face. He opens his mouth to speak but does not. Jim turns and walks away, still holding the walkie-talkie to his mouth. JIM 10-45, 10-53. Suspect down. Send ambulance. Jim walks to his bike and rides off. INT. COURTROOM- DAY (RETURN TO COLOR) Rit, hands on hip, faces Adam. RIT Do you mean to tell me he walked away from a dying suspect in a public place. ADAM Yes. Luckily the victim survived. RIT And were any charges brought against Officer Burke. ADAM I wanted charges pressed... but... (MORE) ADAM (CONT'D) the department made a deal with the kid and everything was hushed up. Jim got a reprimand. He's just lucky the kid lived. Billie knocks a glass of water off the table. Everyone turns to him. BILLIE Oops...accidents do happen. RIT Objection. That was little more than a poor attempt to sway the jury. A child was shot as a direct result of Officer Burke's inability to follow procedur--- BILLIE A suspect in a murder, shot himself accidentally. Judge Cole bangs her gavel savagely. JUDGE COLE We are not here to retry old cases. I've had enough of both of you for today. (beat) This court stands adjourned until 10 AM tomorrow morning...when I hope to find calmer nerves and a more professional attitudes. She bangs her gavel once, then rises and walks off. INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE COURTROOM- DAY Jim looks back up the hallway from the side door. Billie stands next to Manny. Billie takes a cassette from Manny and pats him on the back, smiles, then turns toward Jim. Jim looks at Billie questioningly. Billie rolls his eyes, then grins at Jim as he continues toward him. Billie starts to walk past Jim and out the door as Jim lays a huge hand on Billie's chest, stopping him. JIM I don't like what I'm thinkin'. BILLIE You ever hear the one about the guy that tells the doctor, "Ever time I raise my arm it hurts." Then the Doc says--- JIM Don't do it. BILLIE Same applies to thinkin'. Billie peels Jim's hand from his chest and walks out. INT. SMALL OFFICE, COURTHOUSE-DAY Susan leans against the desk at a 90 degree angle from the door, listening to a cellular phone. Her long legs stretch out as she removes a pump and crinkles her toes. Rit walks in and purses his lips at her seductive stance. SUSAN Sounds good. See you there. RIT I hope those weren't plans for, tonight. Susan looks up and over to Rit as she turns her phone off. She gathers strength on her face. SUSAN That note was totally improper and I--- Rit holds up his hands as he wags his head. RIT Don't flatter yourself. That invitation was a polite way of saying we need to work tonight. Susan searches Rit's eyes for a hint of betrayal. Rit stares innocently. RIT You know Susan...I'm beginning to wonder if I wasn't a bit hasty in assigning you as co- counsel. (MORE) RIT (CONT'D) (beat) Winners make time for whatever, is necessary. EXT. SUSAN'S APARTMENT- NIGHT Rit sits smoking in his car as Susan descends the stairs beside her apartment. She walks up to Manny, dressed in a nice suit. She kisses him on the cheek. They walk off jauntily and get in an old sports car. INT. RIT'S CAR, OUTSIDE SUSAN'S APARTMENT-NIGHT Rit pulls out a pad and writes down the plate number on the sports car. Rit picks up his car phone and dials. RIT Adam? INT. JIM'S HOME, LIVING ROOM/ ENTRANCE WAY- NIGHT Jim comes in the front door and takes off his jacket. Kathy sits in a chair next to two suitcases, with her eyes on the floor watching Jim Jr., strapped in a car seat. JIM I gotta feeling Billie set up the thing with that reporter. Jim steps into the living room. JIM I'm not so sure he's the right man for... Jim looks at the bags, then at Kathy. KATHY (teary) I didn't mean to let you down. I was just--- Jim grabs her hand and pulls her up from the chair. He wraps his arms around her and stares into her eyes as he wipes away her tears with a thumb. KATHY I didn't mean to say anything wrong...he just--- JIM Don't talk like that. You've never let me down, and... Jim Jr. COOS from the floor. Jim glances at him, then turns back to Kathy. JIM ...the truth is, you gave me the most perfect gift in the world. Kathy looks up and smiles through her tears. JIM I want you to drive out to your mother's. I don't want those reporters harassing you. I'll call when Billie needs you. (beat) But first...give me a big kiss. Kathy's proud smile melts onto Jim's waiting lips. INT. ADAM GREY'S APARTMENT- NIGHT Adam sits at his couch watching a rerun of Paladin. The remains of a fast food meal lie scattered on the table next to several empty beer cans. A commercial comes on and Adam picks up the phone, then dials. It RINGS. RIT (V.O.) Hello. ADAM Everything's set. INT. RIT'S CAR, EMPTY STREET- NIGHT Rit holds his car phone to his ear. He smiles as he hangs up, then dials another number. MOKI (V.O.) Equal Justice Hot-line. RIT It's a go...just remember to stay down. Rit hangs up as he turns into NANCY COLE'S DRIVEWAY. EXT. JUDGE NANCY COLE'S MANSION, BACK PATIO- NIGHT Rit's lips meet Nancy's as he bends over her shoulder where she sits at an elegantly laid dinner. Rit straightens up and walks to the other side of the small table. RIT I got held up with the polls and finance managers. They all want more money. NANCY You want this bad don't you? RIT I may have grown up in a tin shack, but I'll be damned if I'll let anything get in-between me and the Governor's mansion. NANCY Lotta work for a man only... concerned with doing his job. Nancy flips a folded newspaper around for Rit to see as he takes his seat. The title under Rit's picture reads, "Job First." Rit grins as he picks up the paper. RIT You can't buy advertisement like this. You have to make it. After this conviction--- NANCY If I were you, I wouldn't underestimate Billie. Flip it over. The paper shows a photo of Jim's angry face in front of Manny's; beside one showing Jim caressing Kathy and Jim Jr. The caption reads... "Father Rescues Family." Rit looks up at Nancy Cole and delivers a smug grin. EXT. PARK, ON THE COLORADO RIVER- NIGHT Two 55 gallon drums burn brightly on either side of Moki as he stands near the waters edge. 200 Native American, Hispanic and liberal hippies sit on the sloping banks listening to him speak through a bull horn. Patrol cars filled with patrolmen wait around the edges of the gathering as media crews and journalist slip up behind the protesters. Billie pulls up 60 yards downstream with Maria sitting next to him and Jim in the passenger seat. They park and watch from the truck with the windows rolled down. MOKI We are here tonight because hate breeds violence. The crowd responds to each sentence. YAAAA! MARIA Sounds like he's been reading your old college essays? Billie grins at her and wags his head. MOKI Will we tolerate racial injustice? CROWD NO! MOKI What do we want? CROWD Equal Justice! MOKI When do we want it? CROWD Now! Moki raises his arms. The crowd quietens. MOKI Do you want the truth? CROWD YES! Moki motions to Charlie Crow Wing sitting in the first row. Charlie stands and walks up beside Moki. Moki hands him the bull horn. Jim fidgets in the truck and begins tapping his fingers on his knee. A dozen SKIN-HEADS, early to mid 20's, wearing bandannas across their faces pull up to the river's edge in two boats and park below Billie's truck, out of the glow of the fires. They carry baseball bats and clubs. The Skin-heads quietly sneak onshore and turn toward Moki and Charlie. They run , staying low to the ground, toward the burning barrels. Billie jumps from his truck and runs at a dead heat toward Moki. Jim follows, 30 feet behind. CHARLIE My name is Charlie Crow Wing. (beat) I want you to see... Charlie holds a flashlight up to his face. CHARLIE ...what a White man did to me.BILLIELOOK OUT!The Skin-heads run toward Charlie and Moki swinging their clubs. SKIN-HEADSWhite Power!The crowd jumps to it's feet. Lights and sirens come on. Moki takes a blow to his head as three Skin-heads surround him and Charlie. The other Skin-heads form a semi-circle and swing on brave individuals trying to break through and help Moki and Charlie. Blood drips from Moki's wound as he falls to the ground. Billie fights his way through the crowd as Charlie takes a blow to his arm. He SCREAMS. Billie penetrates the semi-circle and jumps up on top of a Skin-head in his mid 20's, named WARREN. Warren misses a swing at the doubled over Moki. Jim maneuvers around the crowd by wading through the water. SKIN-HEADS White Power! Billie, clawing for control of the bat but receives a blow from behind on his shoulders and tumbles to the ground. Warren stomps him in the gut with a heavy combat boot. Jim stands eye to eye with DELBERT, a Tall skin-head in his late 20's, on the edge of the water. Delbert swings a bat several times as Jim dodges and ducks. Delbert swings down from over his head. Jim focuses and catches the bat in both hands, stopping it just before it reaches his forehead. Jim wrestles the bat to the side, then jabs Delbert in the Adam's apple. Delbert falls away. Jim runs to Billie and Moki's side and fights to keep the attackers at bay. Charlie takes a few kicks as the Police try to break through the protesters. The roar of outboard motors drowns out some of the screams as the two boats pull up close to the Skin-heads. They fight their way back toward the boats and jump onboard. As the police arrive, the boats jet away down river. Maria breaks through the crowd and rushes, kneeling between the battered Moki and Billie. Billie MOANS and rolls up on his side. Maria holds the motionless Moki's face in her hands. She crosses herself. Moki's eyes flutter as Jim towers above the Bonnie family keeping the crowd and Police at bay. Maria looks up. MARIA (to Jim, upset) What am I gonna do? EXT. SUSAN'S APARTMENT- NIGHT Susan kisses Manny goodnight at her door. Adam, dressed in dark street clothes stands in the shadows at the corner with Warren, the skin-head. Adam hands Warren something. Warren slips up to Manny's open sports car. He slips a small bag of white powder behind the drivers seat, then strolls away. Manny, comes down the stairs, jumps in his car and drives off. Adam stands on the corner watching from the shadows as he pulls a walkie-talkie from his pocket. Manny's tail lights travel several blocks up the empty street. Pursuit lights come on behind him. Adam grins and walks away. EXT. COURTHOUSE, SIDE ENTRANCE- MORNING Rit walks toward Adam, who stands by the door smoking a cigarette. Rit carries a folded paper under his arm. A half page headline reads, "Protest Turns to Riot." Rit smiles and nods as he passes Adam. ADAM All in a night's work. Rit turns and looks around, then pats Adam on the shoulder. RIT I won't forget. INT. COURTROOM- DAY Rit sits alone at the prosecutor's table. Susan, worn and slightly unkept rushes up to the table and sits down. SUSAN Sorry I'm late. RIT (big brotherly) You okay? Susan sighs and begins pulling papers from her briefcase. She stops and looks up to Rit. SUSAN A good friend got arrested for cocaine last night and... he's...innocent. I had to be a mistake. Rit lays his hand on Susan's and squeezes. RIT Get me the arrest record... I'll...see what I can do. Susan looks to the benevolent Rit and offers an uneasy smile. Billie, sitting at the defense table, stares toward a window. JUDGE NANCY COLE Mr. Bonnie...are you with us. A worn out and worried Billie, sporting a bruise on his cheek, looks at Judge Cole from behind his saddle bags lying on the defense table. Jim looks up at Billie's drawn face. JIM (whisper, concerned) Can you do this? Billie gives Jim a warm, yet not quite assured smile, then turns toward Adam, sitting in the witness box. A large folder sits in front of Adam. Billie lowers his eyes and tries to focus. BILLIE Captain Grey...did you rehearse your testimony with Prosecutor Darnes? Adam looks confused. His eyes find Rit's. Rit looks down at the table. ADAM We went over a few things... that's normal. BILLIE So when he acted surprised at... (to Judge Cole) ...Your Honor, please have the court reporter read the passage at the beginning of Mr. Darnes' examination. Judge Cole purses her lips, then nods to BETTY WALKER, a woman in her mid 40's, sitting behind the stenography machine. Rit rolls his eyes and waves off Susan's whispered inquiry in his ear. Billie seems to drift off. BETTY District Attorney Darnes... Captain Grey, how long have you known Officer Burke? (beat) Captain Grey...Since the academy. We were rookie's together. (beat) District Attorney Darnes... Oh... I didn't realize--- BILLIE Stop there please. So Captain Grey...Mr. Darnes' surprise was... (grins) ...shall we say an unusual lapse in his--- RIT Your Honor, my...memory... is not on trial here! BILLIE But your acting abilities are. RIT The pot calling--- JUDGE COLE Stop it! Judge Cole glares at Billie. Billie rubs his eyes. JUDGE COLE Proceed Mr. Bonnie. Billie walks back to the defense table and leafs through a file. He drinks a glass of water and rubs his eyes as he walks up behind Jim. BILLIE (To Adam) Did Officer Burke receive offers of promotion? ADAM Ah...I...can't really say. BILLIE Try looking at the file in front of you. ADAM (agitated) Yes...he was offered promotions. BILLIE I believe IAD records the reason stated when a promotion is rejected. Have a look? Adam sneers at Billie. ADAM He said he chose to stay on patrol... BILLIE Why? Adam gives Rit a frustrated glance? JUDGE COLE Answer the question. Adam takes a deep breath and sighs in Rit's direction. ADAM He said he felt it was where he could do the most good. BILLIE No further questions at this time. Billie sits down. Jim leans over. JIM (whispers) What about my awards and citations and... (beat...soft) You okay Billie? Billie's eyes twinkle sadly at Jim. JUDGE COLE Mr. Darnes, your next witness. RIT The state calls Dr. Joe Kish. Billie stands as DR. JOE KISH, late 50's, stands. BILLIE Your Honor, ah...defense moves to allow that the State's forensics and toxicological evidence shows that ah...blood and tissue samples found on Officer Burke's hands and clothing match that of the victim, Charlie Crow Wing. Rit looks at Billie quizzically. BILLIE I'm sure that one of District Attorney Darnes' priorities... is saving the people he hopes to... (MORE) BILLIE (CONT'D) (glance at Rit) I mean, he already represents... the added court cost of addressing these witnesses. Judge Cole looks at Rit. Rit sighs in frustration as he considers. He grows a mock smile. RIT (mock sincerity) The state salutes Mr. Bonnie's concern for, the people. JUDGE COLE Motion... carried. (beat) Call your next witness. RIT Side bar? Judge Cole nods. Rit and Billie approach the bench. RIT (low) I planned on calling the Victim but he wasn't scheduled to be here until tomorrow. JUDGE COLE Court will reconvene tomorrow at 10 PM. Judge Cole slams her gavel down. INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE COURTROOM- DAY Jim navigates Billie down the hallway through the reporters. Billie silently shakes his head at their questions. Jim grabs Billie's arm and spins him around as they near the door. Billie looks into Jim's eyes beseechingly. Jim gives Billie an understanding smile. JIM You do what you gotta do, Billie. EXT. BILLIE'S RANCH, ENTRANCE- EVENING Billie and Maria pull off the blacktop onto a dirt road. They drive over a cattle guard which sits below a sign reading, "Tangled Tumbleweed Ranch." Cactus and clumps of mesquite trees break up the sparse range. A few Brahmas graze in the distance. EXT. BILLIE'S RANCH, FRONT YARD- EVENING Moki, bruised, and wearing a bandage on his forehead, perches on the corral fence watching, as Billie and Maria pull into the yard. Moki's motorcycle sits next to a shed. Moki takes a pull from a pint of Jack Daniels. Maria steps from the passenger side of the truck and walks toward Moki. He wags his head...she stops, then turns and walks toward the house. Billie steps from the truck, looks over at Moki, then heads for the small shed. He reaches inside and lifts a bucket out as Moki takes another pull from his bottle. Billie pulls a handful of feed from the bucket. BILLIE Here, chick, chick, chick. Chickens come running to eat as Moki glares at Billie. Billie glances up occasionally as he spreads the feed. MOKI (slightly drunk) Now that's symbolism. Billie throws another handful of feed. The chickens swarm to the grain. Billie looks up and stares as Moki takes another pull from his bottle. BILLIE Look at the front window. Billie looks at the house. Moki follows his eyes. Maria, deeply concerned, stands behind a lace curtain watching. She sees the two men looking at her then turns away. Billie walks toward Moki. BILLIE You want to drink and drug yourself to death...fine. I just want you to think about what it's doing to her. MOKI (slurred scream) You're the one that's turned his back on this family. (vindictive) You're the one that's defending a damn racist! BILLIE (pissed) You must have pissed away your memory along with the whiskey. Or don't you remember the times he brought you home, instead of taking you to jail? Moki jumps down and stands eye to eye with Billie. MOKI (scream) If Charlie Crow Wing was a white man he wouldn't be disfigured today! Moki grabs Billie's shoulders and moves in eye to eye. MOKI YOU...ARE A DISGRACE! Billie's face tightens as his eyes fall to the ground. Moki lets go and turns his back to Billie. He folds his arm across his chest and stares stern-jawed toward the setting sun. The feed falls from Billie's hand and the chickens SQUAWK and jump over each other to get to the food. Billie looks up trembling at his Son's back as a tear rolls down his cheek. Billie's eyes go wild and lop-sided as he slowly reaches for his chest. He melts to a sitting position and coughs, then falls to the ground with a few quiet jerks. The chickens NOISILY FIGHT for the grain. Maria runs from the house. MARIA Moki! Turn around! Moki turns to see Maria running toward him then sees Billie on the ground. He stares at Billie, dumbfounded as Maria skids to a kneeling stop beside Billie. Maria touches Billie's jugular, then glares up at Moki. MARIA Help me! Moki picks Billie up as Maria runs to the truck and flings the tailgate open. She climbs inside and helps Moki lay Billie down. Maria cushions Billie's head in her lap as Moki slams the tailgate shut. Moki looks up at Maria. Her glare offers no comfort to the stern-jawed Son. Moki walks to the driver's side of the truck, crawls behind the wheel, then drives out of the ranch yard. EXT. HOSPITAL, EMERGENCY ROOM- NIGHT Moki pulls up and HONKS. ORDERLIES, MID 30'S, rush to Maria and Billie. A stretcher arrives. MOKI helps the orderlies load Billie on the stretcher. Moki stands watching as Maria accompanies Billie toward the door. She turns back to look at Moki just before she enters. He crawls inside the truck and drives off. Maria grimaces, then follows after Billie. INT. HOSPITAL, BILLIE'S ROOM- MORNING Billie opens his eyes to see Maria, gently crying, in front of him. Maria looks up hopefully. Billie grins painfully. She slowly leans over and kisses him, then pulls back. Jim walks in the room and up beside Maria. Billie gives Jim a painful smile. MARIA (to Billie) You quit on me and I'm gonna start dating younger men and line dancing. Billie smiles. He drops his head in contemplation, then looks up at Jim. BILLIE (hoarse) Jim, I ah...I'm--- JIM Don't. BILLIE (hoarse, to Maria) Get J.T. on the phone, honey. Maria gives him an understanding smile and picks up the phone as a NURSE, early 20's, comes in with a tray of Hospital food. Billie sniffs at the food. BILLIE Where's my clothes? INT. COURTROOM- DAY As Judge Nancy Cole makes her way to the bench, Ricky hands her a note. Jim sits at the defense table alone. Judge Cole sits down, pulls her glasses up and reads the note. A frustrated sigh escapes her lips. The microphone picks it up. She bangs the gavel. JUDGE COLE This court will come to order. (beat) Let the record show that William Bonnie, has withdrawn as counsel for the defense due to illness. The audience OHHHS. Jim shows no reaction. Judge Cole looks over to Rit. Rit shrugs. JUDGE COLE I am not inclined to repeat jury selection and testimony at the tax payers expense..., especially considering recent events. However, if Officer Burke request a mistrial...I have no choice but to grant it. JIM Your Honor...I don't need a new trial. I need my name cleared...and Billie arranged for a different lawyer. Judge Cole looks at Rit again. Susan whispers in his ear. RIT I will not agree to a long delay. JIM (to Rit) How 'bout till tomorrow? Everyone looks at one another. JUDGE COLE This courtroom stands adjourned until 10 AM tomorrow morning. People begin filing out as Manny, smiling, wades against the crowd toward Susan. They meet at the short wall between the audience and Prosecutor's table. SUSAN Manny. MANNY (amazed) The charges were dropped. They hug as Rit eyes them over his shoulder. Manny leans over and whispers in Susan's ear. Manny gives Susan a quick kiss and dashes toward the door. Susan turns to a smiling Rit. SUSAN Thanks. Rit nods with an all knowing grin. RIT Looks like we got the day off. How about a drink? Susan hesitates, then looks at Rit suspiciously. Rit opens his hands nonchalantly. RIT Or not. Rit turns and gathers papers as Susan's ponders. SUSAN Okay...but my treat. Rit grins as he picks up his briefcase and walks to the swinging doors, holding one open for Susan. EXT. AIRPORT, PRIVATE HANGERS- DAY A private jet pulls up to a waiting Jim standing next to his car. JEREMIAH T. CODY (J.T.) steps from the plane wearing a fringed buckskin jacket, a pony tail and a smile. J.T. You must be Officer Burke. Call me J.T. Jim stands up straight. JIM I'm Jim. Sure appreciate this. The men shake. J.T. Hell, You're doing me a favor...I've owed Billie one since I can't remember...and looks like you're my payback. J.T. grins, then looks around at the horizon. JIM If you don't mind simple surroundings...I thought you might stay at my place. J.T. nods with a grin. INT. SHENANIGAN'S IRISH BAR AND GRILL- NIGHT The lunch crowd filters in as Rit sucks back a shot of bourbon at the bar. Susan, sitting next to him, sips a Mineral water, the almost empty bottle on the bar, and glances around the room. RIT How 'bout some fresh air? Susan looks around, then at her watch. Rit reaches out and gently grabs her wrist covering her watch with his hand. RIT I said...how about some--- MANNY (from across room) Susan. She looks up and smiles at Manny then down at her wrist. Rit lets go. SUSAN See you tomorrow and, thanks again. Susan stands and walks toward Manny. Rit scowls. EXT. BILLIE'S OFFICE, ROOF TOP, REAR- NIGHT The almost full moon casts liquid light off the remaining panes of the greenhouse. Billie, a sad yet dull look on his face plays absent-mindedly with a nine iron in his lap. A bolt of lightening flashes in the sky, then THUNDERS as the wind picks up. Huge drops of rain pelt him as he slowly holds the iron skyward. J.T. and Jim walk around the corner of the building and look up. JIM Maria said you won't come down. (beat) I'll bet on medium rare. Billie limply lets the club fall, then looks down at Jim. BILLIE Trying to save a man that can't keep his word? Lightening flashes on Billie's dejected face. JIM You're right. I don't need a man...that could sacrifice his family...for a favor to a friend. (beat) 'Sides you gave your word to Maria too...they were called vows. J.T. Come on down Mad Dog. Billie looks down at J.T. and grows a hint of a smile. BILLIE You know J.T...it's no wonder you're still single...you're so ugly you'd make a freight train take a dirt road. J.T. Still prettier than you. Billie sighs, then tosses the club back over his shoulder and starts down the ladder. INT. COURTROOM- DAY Judge Cole sits down along with everyone else in the courtroom. She looks at the empty defense table, then to Ricky. Ricky shrugs. J.T. bursts through the doors, carrying Billie's saddlebags, with Jim close behind. J.T. I beg the courts forgiveness, for our tardiness, Your Honor...J.T. Cody for the defense. The mostly Native American courtroom MUMBLES and OWWWS at the sight and mention of J.T.'s name. Judge Cole sighs as she glances at Rit. JUDGE COLE (to J.T.) This is a little off the track for multi-media hounds. Will we make the national news tonight? J.T. notices Judge Cole's face for the first time and lingers briefly in a curious look. J.T. Your honor, I am here as a favor to Billie and after consulting with my client, in the name of justice. I have Billie's notes and plan to follow his strategy. (beat) And just so we know where we stand...I hope that was the last cutesy remark from an... unbiased...yet attractive, magistrate. RIT Objection! Counsel is--- J.T. Prosecution doesn't agree that you're pretty? The audience laughs. J.T. grins as he sits down. RIT No! I mean--- JUDGE COLE Overruled. Mr. Darnes call your next witness. Rit Scowls at J.T. RIT The state calls the victim... Charlie Crow Wing. Charlie stands up in the back corner of the courtroom and gives Dyani a kiss, before he makes his way through the audience to the witness stand. His face shows the ugliness of half healed skin grafts. The jury shows a mildly horrified reaction to Charlie's face as he turns and sits on the witness stand. Ricky walks up to him and holds out a Bible. RICKY You promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...so help you God? CHARLIE Sure. Charlie sits as Rit rises and walks toward him. RIT Charlie, why don't you just tell us what went on the night you were attacked. Charlie nods mournfully toward the jury. CHARLIE Dyani and I were having some coffee. We had the TV up pretty loud. I went to take, my son, Tse, up to his bedroom.... INT. CHARLIE'S APT., LIVINGROOM- NIGHT (BLACK AND WHITE) Charlie stands at the top of the stairs holding Baby Tse. Dyani sit on the living room couch sipping a coffee. Jim bursts through the partially open door and looks around quickly. JIM What in the Hell's going on? (to Charlie) ...get down here, Buck. CHARLIE Someone must have heard the TV. Let me put my Son in bed and we'll talk. Charlie steps into the bedroom door and lays Tse in a crib by the door as Jim climbs up the stairs. DYANI Look out Charlie! Charlie turns around to see Jim reach the top of the stairs. A predator's gleam in his eyes. CHARLIE Heh, Just a minute. Jim grabs Charlie by the shirt and pulls him off balance. Charlie stumbles toward the top of the stairs. Jim gives him a push with his boot. Charlie rolls down the stairs, with Jim sauntering behind. JIM Stupid Indian. Dyani cries as Jim stands over a dazed Charlie. Jim reaches down and drags him to his feet by his shirt front. Charlie tries to MUTTER something. JIM Shut up Buck or I'll flatten your red ass into a cow pile. CHARLIE (garbled) Let me go or...I'll press charges. Jim's eyes get huge as a snarl grows on his lips. JIM Slow learner ain't ya? Jim holds Charlie's shirt front tighter. JIM School's open. Jim begins slapping Charlie's face with his huge fists. Jim draws back, plants a haymaker on Charlie's chin, then lets him fall backwards toward the couch. INT. COURTROOM- DAY (RETURN TO COLOR) Jim jumps to his feet facing Charlie. JIM YOU LYING SON OF A BITCH! JUDGE COLE (bangs gavel) Order! Order in this court! Judge Cole composes herself and stares at J.T. JUDGE COLE That was your new clients third strike. I find him in contempt and order him to spend the night incarcerated. J.T. Your honor! I wish to--- JUDGE COLE We stand adjourned until 10 AM tomorrow morning. Judge Cole bangs her gavel. Ricky walks over to Jim and shrugs. INT. MOKI'S APARTMENT, BEDROOM- EVENING Moki sits in bed as a KNOCK echoes through the door. Rit, a sinister scowl on his face, walks through the living room and into the bedroom. Moki looks up from a file laid out on the bed before him. He touches his bandage and Scowls back. RIT Heh, I told you to stay down. (beat) Now we have a deal...and I--- MOKI I had--- RIT Too many pills with your bourbon? Moki looks away to a bottle of pills on the table. RIT Pick up that phone...and call your Equal Justice patriots and get over to the jail. The networks just pulled into town. Moki swings around and drops his legs over the edge of the bed, facing Rit. MOKI If we didn't need the media--- RIT But you do. EXT. TRAVIS COUNTY JAIL- EVENING Protesters clog the front steps as Moki mills about the crowd talking to his followers. INT. JIM'S JAIL CELL- EVENING Jim sits alone in a cell watching a TV in the corridor through the bars of his cell. Harry walks up with a pizza and holds it out to Jim. Jim shakes his head. JIM Not hungry...but thanks. ANNOUNCER (ON TV) We go now to the Travis County Jail where World famous attorney, J.T. Cody is ready to talk with our own Shannon Gate. INTERCUT TV: SHANNON GATE, an attractive reporter in her early 30's holds a microphone up to J.T. on the Jail steps. Protesters CHANT in the background. Network cameras focus. J.T. Good afternoon, Shannon. SHANNON Mr. (MORE) SHANNON (CONT'D) Cody, people are surprised to see an attorney of your stature involved with such a small case. Some believe that your very presence will equal an acquittal for Officer Burke. J.T. sighs and scratches the back of his neck as Shannon puts her microphone in front of his lips. J.T. It's a sad comment on society that... people...believe that justice has a price and that fame could affect the innocence or guilt of an individual. (beat) I'm here as a watchdog of the people, to make sure that due process is served and an innocent man finds vindication. J.T. looks around and hefts Billie's saddlebags onto his shoulder. Shannon looks quizzically at J.T. SHANNON But the Victim's testimony today must surely leave little doubt as to Officer Burke's motive and guilt. J.T. sighs as he looks up at Shannon through his eyebrows. J.T. Did you know I used to be a woman. Had the change in '57. SHANNON (grinning) No...You did not. J.T. So, you don't believe everything you hear? Shannon smiles and turns full front to the camera. SHANNON As always...the unpredictable J.T. Cody has made his point. (MORE) SHANNON (CONT'D) (beat) This is Shannon Gate, reporting from the Travis County Jail. Jim looks up at Harry, then draws a finger across his throat. Harry turns off the TV. Protesters CHANT outside. HARRY Pretty sharp cookie. JIM And a nice guy...for a lawyer. Harry grins and nods in understanding. EXT. TRAVIS COUNTY JAIL- NIGHT Moki leads his protesters in a chant. MOKI What do we want? PROTESTERS Equal justice. INT. JIM'S JAIL CELL- NIGHT Adam Grey saunters up the corridor and stops at the cell door as Jim looks out his window. ADAM Know the difference 'tween winners and losers? Jim turns to Adam and steps forward. JIM Yeah, losers always try to convince others that they're winners. (beat) Go away. Adam throws an all knowing smile at Jim. ADAM Don't you worry. I'll look out for Kathy while you serve your time. Jim lunges toward the bars, reaches through, and gets the tip of Adam's shirt collar between his fingers. Adam jerks back. Jim can't hold on. They trade cold stares before Adam walks off down the hall laughing. INT. MOKI'S APARTMENT, BEDROOM- NIGHT Moki comes into his apartment carrying an armload of protest signs. Maria sits on the couch in the moonlight shadows. Moki drops the signs in a corner then pulls a pint from his pocket and takes a long pull. He turns on a light. MARIA Moki? Moki spins around, sees Maria, then tries to hide the pint. She stares at Moki. MARIA Do you even realize how much he needs you right now. MOKI The only thing he ever needed from me was a, 'Yes Sir,' with no questions asked. Maria rises and walks to the door. MOKI Mom... Maria turns to Moki. MOKI ...I love you. Maria smiles and opens the door. She silently pulls a small stack of bills from her pocket and leaves then on the table by the front door, then walks out. EXT. BILLIE'S RANCH, FRONT YARD AND PORCH- NIGHT J.T. pulls up, gets out and starts toward the porch. Billie sits in a rocker in the shadows. BILLIE Howdy J.T.? J.T. Mad Dog. J.T. walks up and sits on the edge of the porch near J.T.'s feet. J.T. starts to say something then sighs. BILLIE Well? J.T. scoots down beside Billie's rocker on the edge of the porch. J.T. Tell me about Nancy Cole. Billie swivels his head toward J.T., then back to the sky. BILLIE She's got backbone...a passion for justice...and can out shoot either one of us. J.T. Sound like old friendship. BILLIE My family share-cropped for her Daddy. (beat) He paid my tuition through law school. J.T. lights up a cigar and ponders. J.T. What are you up to, Mad Dog? BILLIE Why can't I just be...scared? J.T. I was there when you offered to whip the whole sophomore class one at a time. (beat) I was there when you called the Attorney General a narrow minded prick...in front of the Governor. (beat) You ain't scared...of nothin'. BILLIE You hungry, J.T.? J.T. turns to Billie. J.T. You can hide in the shadows if you want, Billie... (beat) ...but sooner or later we all gotta face our demons. INT. JUDGE COLE'S MANSION, STUDY- NIGHT Old and modern photos of respectable looking men, including Nancy's father, line one wall. Half wear judicial robes. Rit paces back and forth in a black mood. Nancy sips a glass of whiskey on the sofa. Rit stops and glares at her. RIT Yes or no? NANCY After the trial. I will... Rit begins mouthing: no, no, no.. NANCY ...be happy to endorse--- RIT Ta hell with that. I need the money now. NANCY (amazed) You know I can't do that. Rit stares disbelievingly at Nancy, then turns toward the wall of photos. RIT Do you think these fogies got into office on their smiles? Hell your grandpa...the lieutenant governor...worked his spic farm hands into the--- NANCY Someday you're gonna slip in front of a camera. (softly) Come sit down. Rit glowers at Nancy, then walks out the door. Nancy sets her brandy down and stares reflectively at the fire. She hugs herself. EXT. SUSAN'S APARTMENT- NIGHT Rit pulls up and parks in the same spot as before. Manny's sports car is parked out front. Rit slips out of his car holding a gun at his side. He sneaks up to a tree just below Susan's bedroom window, then looks around. Rock and roll music comes from her apartment. He raises the pistol and fires at the window. CU OF DART: sticking to window with a small electronic device taped to the suction cup. Rit sneaks back to his car, eyes darting from side to side. INT. RIT'S CAR OUTSIDE SUSAN'S APARTMENT- NIGHT Rit puts on a set of headphones, then tunes in a receiver. He winces at the rock music then lights a smoke. The music grows faint, then the light in the living room goes out as a dim light in the bedroom comes on. Susan appears at the bedroom window wearing a peignoir. Manny walks up behind her as she pulls the blinds closed. MANNY (V.O.) (through Rit's phones) Where were we? SUSAN (V.O.) About right here, I think. Manny MOANS in delight. INT. COURTROOM- DAY The side door opens as Ricky ushers Jim into the courtroom. J.T. pulls folders from Billie's saddlebags, then reaches up and squeezes Jim's shoulder and smiles. JUDGE COLE Call your witness Mr. Darnes. RIT Recall Charlie Crow Wing. DISSOLVE TO: Charlie sitting in the witness box. CHARLIE I broke away, but he kept coming at me. DISSOLVE TO: INT. CHARLIE'S APARTMENT- DAY (BLACK AND WHITE) Jim, wearing a sinister grin closes in on Charlie. Charlie's face, swollen and bloody, beseeches Jim. CHARLIE Please! No More! Jim laughs as he steps in toward Charlie and throws a haymaker. Charlie fends it off with his arm but the blow sends him backwards to a sitting position. Charlie crosses his arms in front of his face and Jim kicks as hard as he can. Snapping one of Charlie's arms and knocking him flat on the floor. CHARLIE (moaning) Stop...please...please. Jim straddles Charlie's stomach and sits on it. SLOW MOTION: Jim's fist smash into Charlie's face as blood and slobber fly. INT. COURTROOM- DAY (RETURN TO COLOR) The jury stares in awe at Charlie. Some look over at Jim, skeptically. CHARLIE Next thing I know...I wake up in the hospital. RIT Did Officer Burke seem to be incoherent of his actions? J.T. Objection. Witness is not a qualified--- JUDGE COLE Overruled. Let's hear the witness' observation. CHARLIE (sneering at Jim) He enjoyed it. The jury murmurs and glances at each other. RIT That's all for now. JUDGE COLE Cross examine, Mr. Cody? J.T. stands and faces the jury. J.T. Little point in questioning a liar... he'll just fib again. RIT Objection! JUDGE COLE The jury will disregard Mr. Cody's...opinions. (beat) Mr. Darnes, call your next witness. DISSOLVE TO: Dyani sits in the witness box. CU DYANI: Her face, remembering and nervous. DYANI It was just like Charlie said. I screamed to the neighbors for help but no one came... DISSOLVE TO: INT. CHARLIE'S APARTMENT- DAY. (BLACK AND WHITE) DYANI (V.O.) ...I was afraid after he killed Charlie, he would kill me. Dyani cries in a huddled mass on the couch peeking at Jim's shadow on the wall flailing Charlie. Charlie lies silent. Officer Harry Kwahu and Sergeant Dave Kolwolski rush in. RIT (V.O.) That's all Mrs. Crow Wing. The State calls Officer Harry Kwahu. DISSOLVE TO: INTERCUT CU OF HARRY'S FACE (COLOR): in court, superimposed, over the BLACK AND WHITE scene in the apartment. Jim, straddling Charlie, looks up at Harry, dazed yet determined. Dyani, still crying on the couch, cuddles Baby Tse in her arms. Harry and Dave pull Jim to his feet. Dave walks a dazed Jim to the door as Harry whips his radio off his belt and lifts it to his face. He sees a whiskey bottle on the floor and grimaces. HARRY 10-45, Code 3. 318 Grand, government housing. Apt... (looks at open door) ...2 C. RIT (V.O.) So Officer Burke walked out without a struggle. (beat) And the next time you saw Officer Burke... EXT. CHARLIE'S APARTMENT- DAY (BLACK AND WHITE) Harry stares at a numb Jim, then reaches inside the patrol car and pulls out a small towel. He hands it to Jim. Jim blinks his eyes and looks around slightly quizzical. He takes the towel and sees his hands, bloody. Jim stares at his hands, then looks toward Charlie's front door as an ambulance SCREECHES to a halt nearby. CU OF JIM: gazing at the distance. RIT (V.O.) State calls Dr. Michael Halter. INTERCUT: DR. MIKE HALTER, (40): as Ricky swears him in over Jim's gaze. DISSOLVE TO: INT. HOSPITAL, SURGERY TABLE- DAY (BLACK AND WHITE) CU OF CHARLIE'S FACE: as the doctors hands work on him. The two doctors, Mike Halter and TISHO STONE, (mid 30's) look up at each other. A lifted eyebrow and a sigh from Mike shows his futile opinion of their work. INTERCUT of: Charlie's face after the operation. Stitches and skin grafts cause a Frankenstein look. INT. COURTROOM- DAY (RETURN TO COLOR) CU OF PHOTO: of Charlie bandaged. Rit hands out more photos to the jury. He finishes, backs up a few steps and wags his head. He slowly turns to Doctor Mike on the witness stand. RIT Thank you, Doctor. JUDGE COLE You may cross examine Mr. Cody. J.T. No questions at this time, Your Honor. Jim lets his fist fall on the table and looks at J.T. J.T. smiles. Jim wags his head in frustration. JUDGE COLE Mr. Cody... (beat) ...you have yet to cross examine any witness in depth. If you're shooting for a mistrial on the grounds--- J.T. I assure your Honor that I am sticking to Billie's plan of defense. We are here to prove an innocent man--- RIT Objection! He's starting his closing arguments. JUDGE COLE Can we just move on? Judge Cole looks at Rit questioningly. Rit leans in and whispers to Susan. She shrugs. RIT The State rests. JUDGE COLE Then we are adjourned until 10 AM tomorrow. (GOOD SPOT FOR A SONG) J.T. holds up his index finger as he walks forward carrying a stack of folded documents. He lays them in front of Judge Cole. She picks them up and crooks a finger at Rit. Rit walks up to the bench. Judge Cole hands him the subpoenas. He glances at them, then scowls at Judge Cole as he lays them back on the bench. Rit opens his mouth to say something as Judge Cole bangs her gavel down, then walks out the side door. The sun sinks in a courtroom window. EXT. RIVER WALK, COLORADO RIVER- EVENING Jim and J.T. walk along the river as the sun sends glimmers of light across the wide channel. JIM I was watchin' the jury. They actually believed that bastard. J.T. What is it about Texans? Everything's either a crisis or a cookout. Jim smiles briefly as he gazes across the river. JIM (reflective grin) I guess it's hard to understand lest you grew up here. (beat) Has to do with believing that you can always change things for the better. (beat) There's a pride in knowing that, one person, can make a difference, and together a family can... Jim looks up sadly to J.T. JIM ...unless a son grows up not knowing his daddy. J.T. grabs Jim's shoulder and shakes him slightly. J.T. We got a few hands left to play...and...it's our deal. (beat) Call Kathy and tell her we need her. I'm moving out to the Ranch...give ya a little privacy. JIM Think Billie can handle you? J.T. Hmmmp. Billie Bonnie can spit tobacco in the eye of a coiled rattler while dodging a herd of over zealous conservatives. He can handle me. EXT. BILLIE'S OFFICE, REAR- EVENING Javier totes a five gallon plastic paint bucket full of golf balls, as he and Billie walk back from the greenhouse. Moki sits on top of the roof, a scowl on his face, dangling his legs over the side. Billie stops at the bottom of the ladder, looks up to Moki, then over to Javier. Javier sets his bucket down and walks off around the edge of the building as Billie climbs the ladder. MOKI How you feelin'? Billie sits down on the other side of the ladder from Moki. BILLIE Like someone hit me in the chest with a sledge hammer. (beat) Just need to work out the kinks. MOKI I came to say...I'm glad you dropped the case. BILLIE Mmm. (MORE) BILLIE (CONT'D) (beat) You ah...get your application in for the bar exam? Moki looks into the distance. No reply. Billie sets his jaw. BILLIE (tender) I ah...heard about this resort type place...way out in the desert, where you could get some help with--- MOKI I don't need no 12 steps or--- BILLIE (frustrated) You need something. Moki swings over on to the ladder and stops facing Billie eye to eye. MOKI I need you to quit trying to make my decisions for me. EXT. JUDGE NANCY COLE'S MANSION, BACK PATIO- NIGHT Rit breaks a kiss with Nancy and turns his back to her. NANCY What? RIT We're not supposed to talk about it... (beat) ...but if we could, I'd ask how in the Hell you could accept those subpoenas so late--- NANCY Stop it! RIT (livid) Stop what? Wanting to win, to be Governor, to dream...for the two of us? (MORE) RIT (CONT'D) (beat) He was dead in the water until you accepted those late sup-- Nancy puts a finger to Rit's lips and looks into his eyes. NANCY (softly) Make love to me. Nancy pulls Rit's face down to hers and steps in close. She trembles against his stern body as their lips meet. INT. COURTROOM- DAY Judge Nancy Cole stares out at the court. Susan sits down beside Rit and hands him a stack of papers. Rit reaches down and squeezes Susan's thigh then quickly puts his hand back on the table. Susan scoots back in her chair startled, then glares at Rit who pretends to look at the papers. Susan stands, and for an instant and locks eyes with Judge Cole. Susan spins and walks out of the courtroom. J.T. notices the two women and stands. J.T. Good morning Your Honor. Judge Cole shifts her gaze to J.T. and smiles. JUDGE COLE Mr. Cody you may call your first witness. J.T. Defense recalls Captain Adam Grey. Rit bounds out of his seat. RIT Your honor, Defense Counsel had the opportunity to cross examine before and--- JUDGE COLE Overruled. DISSOLVE TO: Adam Grey sits on the witness stand starring at J.T. J.T. On October 23, 1985 did you ask the now Mrs. Kathy Burke to marry you. RIT Objection. Captain Grey's private life is irrelevant--- JUDGE COLE (to J.T.) Where are you going with this? J.T. Prejudice by the witness. JUDGE COLE Proceed, but keep to the facts. J.T. You met the then Kathy Lands for cocktails in the Starlight lounge and asked her to marry you. Correct? ADAM So? J.T. So...she turned you down. Do you recall the reason? (beat) I remind you that you are under oath Captain. Adam fidgets then looks at J.T. menacingly. ADAM (mutter) She was in love with Jim. J.T. Speak up. ADAM (distasteful) She was in love with... (nods to Jim) ...him. J.T. Defense recalls Dyani Crow Wing. DISSOLVE TO: Dyani nervously fidgets on the witness stand. J.T. I just have one question Mrs. Crow Wing. You agreed with your husbands testimony that he put your baby in his crib upstairs, before the attack. Officer Kwahu stated that you had the baby in your arms on the couch when he came in. (beat) How did your Son get... downstairs? DYANI (confused) I ah, must have...I mean...I went up...and got him. I mean.. Dyani looks over at Charlie. Charlie nods ever so slightly. DYANI I went up and got him. Dyani looks back and forth between Charlie and J.T. J.T. Let's see if I got this straight. You brought your baby down from a nice safe crib to where your husband was fighting with a police officer. J.T. snorts slightly as he turns and walks away. J.T. Defense calls Kathy Burke. Kathy rises and walks through the swinging doors that separate the audience from the court area. She stops next to J.T. and looks over at Jim. Jim finds a smile for her. DISSOLVE TO: Kathy sits nervously on the witness stand as J.T. walks up to her and smiles at her warmly. J.T. Have you ever seen your husband express hate for any group of people. Kathy looks at Jim. He nods. Kathy looks into the distance. KATHY He didn't like kids very much. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. JIM'S HOUSE, FRONT YARD- DAY (BLACK AND WHITE) KATHY (V.O.) One time... A group of kids play touch football in the street. They scream and cheer loudly, causing a real racket. Jim comes out the front door and walks straight toward the KID, (12-13) with the old scarred up ball. JIM You kids play somewhere else. The Kid with the ball gives Jim a smartalec smile. KID You don't own the street. Jim snatches the ball away from the kid and pulls a knife from his belt. He stabs the football to the OHHS and AHHS of the children, then pulls out his money clip. He throws a $20 bill and the deflated ball down at the Kid's feet. JIM Game over. RIT (V.O.) Objection... INT. COURTROOM- DAY (RETURN TO COLOR) Rit stands. RIT ...this is immaterial to--- J.T. Your honor...I realize that my questioning may leave the District Attorney Darnes a bit confused but, with his and the Court's patience...I will tie this together. Judge Cole stares at both attorney's. Rit lifts his eyebrows. JUDGE COLE Proceed Mr. Cody. J.T. examines a file, then turns back to Kathy. J.T. Mr. Bonnie's notes mention a time when your sister came to visit. Could you tell us Mrs. Burke what happened. Kathy looks at Jim then down at her fidgeting hands. KATHY Jim was workin' on an application for a Police Chief Job, when my Sister showed up with... DISSOLVE TO: INT. JIM'S HOME- NIGHT (BLACK AND WHITE) Kathy's sister, RITA, (mid 30's) and her two boys, ARNOLD, (6) and ELDRIDGE (8) carry suitcases into the house. Kathy, very pregnant, gives Rita a hug. Kathy starts the kids down the hall as they verbally fight over who owns a G.I. Joe. RITA (screams, to kids) Shut Up! Get those bags into the back bedroom. Jim looks on in amazement as the Mother and two sons bicker their way toward the bedroom. Jim walks down the hall. JIM I can't--- KATHY It's just for a few days and--- JIM No! Rita? Rita looks around the corner of the bedroom door. CRASH comes the sound from the bedroom. Jim's eyes grow big. Arnold comes out holding a broken model of a Harley Davidson Pan Head. Jim grabs Arnold, picks him up and shakes him. Rita begs to put him down. JIM Do you realize how long it took to--- Kathy puts a hand on Jim's shoulder. Jim looks back at Kathy, then drops Arnold. Jim pulls money from his pocket and gives it to Rita. JIM Get a motel. KATHY Jim, they're family. JIM I just lost Cliff to a kid and... Pain dominates Jim's face. Rita looks at Kathy. KATHY Rita...I ah.... Kathy holds her lower abdomen and releases a slight moan. KATHY ...please get a motel, Sis. DISSOLVE TO: INT. JIM'S CAR, OUTSIDE EMERGENCY ROOM- NIGHT (BLK&WHT) Jim pulls up and parks in front of the emergency room doors. Kathy holds a towel between her legs. JIM I know you planned this. Jim honks the horn. A HOSPITAL AIDE, late 20's pokes his head out the door. Kathy looks up at Jim, tears in her eyes, to speak as a labor pain hits her. Jim looks away. Kathy gets her breath, then opens the door as the Aide brings a wheelchair. Kathy climbs into the wheelchair, then looks back at Jim hopefully. JIM Should have your mother come pick you up when you're ready. Tears run down Kathy's cheek as the Aide wheels her away. INT. COURTROOM- DAY (RETURN TO COLOR) CU OF: Judge Nancy Cole's face. DISSOLVE TO: INT. NEW ORPHANAGE- MORNING (BLACK AND WHITE) Judge Nancy Cole stands at a podium speaking to a group of thirty kids having breakfast with thirty adult women. A banner stretches across the room reading, "Adopt a Child." NANCY ...and I'd just like to thank the volunteers that made all this happen. Okay, Let's eat. Nancy steps down to a round of applause. Nancy sits down and stares at the children. EVA BANKS, late 50's, watches Nancy look longingly at the children. EVA You'd make a great Mother. Nancy turns, slightly sad, to Eva. NANCY A child needs two parents. INTERCUT CU OF: Kathy's face on the witness stand. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. HOSPITAL- DAY (BLACK AND WHITE) Kathy watches from an upstairs window. Jim parks and walks toward the front door, clearly in a bad mood. A MOTHER, FATHER and Three KIDS, (5-10) walk by. Jim tries not to watch them. INT. HOSPITAL, NURSES COUNTER- DAY (BLACK AND WHITE) Jim shifts uncomfortably as a nurse, VELMA, (late 40's) crooks her finger for Jim to follow her down the hall. Jim scowls, then follows reluctantly. INT. HOSPITAL, HALLWAY IN FRONT OF PEDIATRICS- DAY (BL&WH) Velma points through the big window at Jim Jr. in a crib. Kathy rounds the corner, down the hall, and spots Jim. Jim sighs and rolls his eyes, then looks through the glass. The tension in his body falls away as a look of wonderment conquers his face. He looks away and regains his rigidity only to give in and look back again. CU JIM JR.: twisting his head and smiling. Velma, now inside, picks up Jim Jr. and walks toward the door. Jim, glued to the window, stares at his son in rapture. Velma steps through the door holding Jim Jr. out for Jim. Jim fidgets, unsure of holding him. JIM Has he got...I mean, all his... parts...ah... Kathy walks up behind Jim and squeezes his forearm. KATHY One whole baby boy. Jim swings his head around and glances at Kathy. KATHY You want to hold your son? Jim, momentarily terrified, looks down at Jim Jr. Velma lays him into Jim's arms. Jim juggles his son into the crook of his arm. He looks up at Velma hopefully. VELMA That's right. Jim looks down at his son and puts a huge finger on his cheek. Jim Jr. swivels his head and closes his lips on Jim's finger. Jim chuckles. KATHY Always hungry...just like Dad. JIM Dad... A tear escapes Jim's eye. JIM He's really something... special, Honey. I'm sorry ab--- KATHY Shh...he's falling asleep. (beat) Guess he's right at home. INT. JIM'S HOUSE, KITCHEN\LIVINGROOM- DAY (BLACK AND WHITE) Kathy watches Jim merrily test a bottle of formula on his inner forearm, then walk to a crib and tenderly gives it to Jim Jr. Jim sniffs curiously. JIM Time for a new uniform. Jim pulls the tabs loose on the plastic diaper as Kathy walks up slowly. KATHY Let me. JIM You, go sit down and relax. I got this under control. (to Jr., baby talk) Heh, big guy, isn't it about time Daddy gave you your bath? The cordless phone rings on the table next to the crib. Jim picks it up, lifts it to his ear and cradles it with his shoulder. JIM (baby talk) Speak to me. Jim's face falls into embarrassment. He listens as he continues cleaning up Jim Jr. JIM I'm sorry, Dave. I forgot all about it. (beat) Changing a diaper. (beat) Wait'll you have one. Everything'll change and things you thought you'd miss...won't seem that important anymore. (beat) Yeah, see ya. Jim hangs up and returns to his chore. JIM (to Jim Jr., baby talk) You know, I think we're gonna have to go shoppin' if you keep growing like this. Kathy smiles as she watches the proud father. JIM (sings) The ittsy bittsy spider, climbs up the water spout... Kathy looks down at an end table and sees a letter addressed to, "Office Of Mayor, Westlake Hills, Texas." She picks it up along with a few unmailed bills and walks toward the front door. INT. POLICE STATION- DAY (BLACK AND WHITE) Kathy walks in holding Jim Jr. and spots Jim working at a desk. Jim stands as a crowd gathers. Jim and Kathy stand in front of a group of officers, including Harry, Elaine, Ken and George. Jim takes Jim Jr. from Kathy, then holds him up to face the crowd. JIM Meet James Burke Jr. Two weeks old and the Cowboys are already talking linebacker. The crowd CHUCKLES as they watch the proud father and son. HARRY Thank God he looks like you, Kathy. JIM (defiantly) He's got my chin and--- ELAINE His father's eyes. Should make a good cop. Adam Grey walks up and looks at Jim Jr. ADAM (sarcastic) Just what this world needs... another Jim Burke. Jim turns to Adam and stares, then hands Jim Jr. to Kathy. JIM Take it back, Adam. ADAM Stick your head out of your perfect little world and take a look around, asshole. Jim steps toward Adam as Sergeant Dave Kolwolski walks out of an office door holding a piece of paper. DAVE Jim! Jim sighs and looks over his shoulder as Dave walks up. DAVE ...got a domestic up the street at the federal housing project. Dave stops...facing Adam and Jim. DAVE Problem, Boys? Jim glares at Adam, then snatches the piece of paper from Dave's hand. Jim gives Kathy a quick kiss on the cheek and tickles Jim Jr. He smiles. Jim picks up his belt from his desk and walks out. KEN I've never seen anyone change into liking being a Dad so quick. ADAM It won't last. Kathy tenses as she sneaks a scowl at Adam, then walks out. INT. COURTROOM- DAY (RETURN TO COLOR) J.T. nods as he ponders. He turns to the Jury. J.T. So, Mrs. Burke how would you describe the mood your husband was in when he left for the--- RIT Objection! Calls for a conclusion on the part of the witness. Judge Cole looks over to Rit and purses her lips. JUDGE COLE Overruled. You may answer the question Mrs. Burke. Rit rolls his eyes. KATHY Ah...I don't know...Jim sure don't like anybody talkin' smartalec about our family... like Adam did. J.T. Would you say he was in a protective mood. RIT Counsel is leading the witness. JUDGE COLE Overruled. Go ahead, Mrs. Burke. J.T. nods appreciatively to Judge Cole. Her look back lingers on J.T. briefly. KATHY Jim's been real protective ever since Jim Jr. was born. J.T. No further questions at this time. JUDGE COLE Cross, Mr. Darnes? Rit stands and walks to Kathy. RIT Has your husband ever slandered a Native American? KATHY You mean talked bad about them. RIT Yes. KATHY Jim has talked bad about everyone at one time or another. You see--- RIT That's all. No more questions. Judge Cole shoots Rit a sneer. JUDGE COLE (to Kathy) You may finish answering the question. KATHY Thank you, Your Honor. (beat) You see, Jim sets...and lives by, some pretty high standards. He just gets frustrated with people that don't at least try to do what's right, and they make it hard on the people he protects. (beat) He's very serious about his duty and settin' an example. Rit looks up frustrated. RIT Maybe he can teach his son how to whip up on Indians. J.T. Your Honor! I want that stricken---Judge ColeThe Jury will disregard Mr. Darnes' comments.RITI apologize for intimating the truth.Judge Cole bangs her gavel.JUDGE COLE(to Rit)One more word and you'll sleep in a cell for the night.(MORE) JUDGE COLE (CONT'D)(beat)Let the record show that Mr. Darnes was in contempt of this court and is fined $500.(beat)We stand adjourned until 10 AM tomorrow morning.Rit glares at Judge Cole as she bangs her gavel, then leaves the courtroom. EXT. COURTHOUSE STEPS, FRONT- DAY Moki holds a sign reading, "Equal Justice." as he leads the other protesters in a cheer. MOKI What do we want? CROWD Equal Justice! MOKI When do we want it? CROWD NOW! Shannon Gate motions to her cameraman, HOWARD, (late 20's) to follow her as she closes in on Moki. SHANNON Mr. Bonnie, I wonder if--- MOKI I prefer Moki Standing Deer. Shannon nods, yes. SHANNON Can you describe exactly what Equal Justice means in your own words. Moki smiles and steps toward the camera. MOKI There are different sets of laws in this country for each race. Popular beliefs would say...If you're African American... (MORE) MOKI (CONT'D) you're automatically a thief or a crack head. If you're a Latino, you sell drugs and smuggle your cousins in to get on welfare. (beat) If you're a Native American, you are a drunken wife beater. (beat) But if you're white, you can pretty much abuse any other race or culture and get away with it. The time for change is now and Equal Justice under the eyes of the law is essential to the constitution and the progress of America. Shannon nods her understanding, then turns to the camera for a close up. SHANNON Thank You, Mr...Standing Deer. The head of the Equal Justice Movement here in Texas. (beat) Now back to our studio and... INT. BILLIE'S RANCH, LIVING ROOM- DAY Billie and Maria watch Shannon on TV. SHANNON ...the latest on the campaign trail for Governor. A huge grinning blow up of Rit sits on screen behind the Announcer. Billie leans forward and shuts the TV off. INT. JIM'S HOUSE, ENTRANCE HALL\LIVING ROOM- EVENING Jim, still wearing the shirt and pants from his dress blues, walks in a circle in the livingroom holding Jim Jr. Kathy works in the kitchen cleaning up. Jim carefully lays the sleeping Jim Jr. into his play pen. INT. JUDGE NANCY COLE'S MANSION, STUDY- EVENING Nancy works over opened law books and folders. She reads, makes a note, then turns the page as Rit slips into the room. He walks up to her desk and stares at her. She looks up slowly and noncommittally. Rit just glares at her as he trembles ever so slightly. NANCY So, will this...confrontation, be as Prosecuting Attorney to Judge...or Boy toy to horny old lady? Nancy smiles as Rit fidgets. RIT Marry me. Nancy's chin goes slack. She picks up a pencil from the desk, then drops it. NANCY Excuse me? Rit pulls a ring from his pocket and lays it on the open law book in front of Nancy. She picks it up and tries it on. It's too big. NANCY A picture is worth... She holds it in the palm of her hand. Rit reaches over and takes the ring back. RIT It was my Mother's. I'll have it sized down. Rit starts around the desk. Nancy swivels her chair in the opposite direction. RIT (reflective) Wait...I just proposed and... you're not even going to give me a kiss? Nancy fights her emotion to give in as a tear wells up in her eye. Rit can't see her face over the high-backed leather chair. NANCY Would you rather have a kiss... or a check? RIT What...kinda question is that. NANCY One you just evaded. Go home and ask yourself what you really want. Rit starts to reply but stops himself, heaves a frustrated sigh, then walks out. Nancy rubs her empty ring finger as another tear rolls down her face. INT. JIM'S HOUSE, LIVINGROOM- NIGHT Jim stands above Jim Jr.'s crib watching him sleep. Kathy's arms surround Jim's Chest from the rear. He reaches back and squeezes her waist. She unbuttons the top button to his shirt, then the next one. Jim turns around and gazes into Kathy's eyes. She undoes the next button with a coy grin. Jim reaches over and turns on the baby monitor in the crib, then picks up the receiving unit. He hands the receiver to Kathy, then sweeps her up in his arms. She bends up and kisses him, then begins unbuttoning her blouse as Jim walks toward the bedroom. The 3/4 moon hangs in the sky outside the living room window. INT. RIT'S OFFICE- NIGHT A desk lamp offers the only glow in the wood-paneled office. A frustrated Rit sits at his desk holding a phone to his ear. A half empty bottle of Scotch and an empty shot glass perch near the edge of the desk. RIT Yeah, well, you can shove your refineries where the sun--- CLICK. The phone goes dead. Rit busily dials another number. RIT George...I'm sorry ta bother you but... (long beat) ...but, I can win. I just need a few thou--- (MORE) RIT (CONT'D) (beat) George? George? Rit's face turns sour. He looks at his desk and points to a scrap of paper with a number on it, then dials. 4 RINGS ECHO as Rit's frustration rises. A Recording BLIPS ON. SUSAN (V.O.) You have reached Susan White's solution to a hectic life. So, (touch of seductive) You know what to do...and you know how to do it. Rit picks up the whole phone and tosses it toward the door. The lines catch the bottle of and spill it onto the floor. Rit stands, grabbing the edge of his desk with both hands and SCREAMS as he turns it over. His eyes bulge as he spins around and grabs a Texas state flag from a stand behind his desk. He steps back away from the window and raises the flag and it's guidon stick, like a spear. He aims for the window and sees his reflection. Rit's face turns from raw anger to a self assured maniac's grin as he lowers the flag and returns it to its stand. EXT. BILLIE'S RANCH, HILL BEHIND HOUSE- NIGHT Maria sits on the grassy hill in back of the house with Billie's arms and legs surrounding her from the back. They both look up at the moon and stars. J.T. walks up and plops down next to them. J.T. I've heard that, true love is a, definite hindrance to rational thought. Billie snickers as a warm smile encompasses Maria face. MARIA Definitely. You should try it. J.T. smiles and looks up at the moon. J.T. Mind if I bring up a little business? Billie looks over at J.T. BILLIE Do any good to say no? Billie grins. J.T. Mmmm...You've got your witnesses all laid out and numbered, but...number five doesn't have a name. Just the little stick figure of the hangman game we used ta play as kids. Maria looks over at J.T. curiously, then around to Billie. Billie looks back up at the moon. BILLIE Ya hungry J.T.? INT. JIM'S HOUSE, BEDROOM- NIGHT Jim lies in Kathy's arms looking out the window. KATHY What you thinking about? JIM Oh, how hard headed Billie and Moki are. If I could just get them to talk to each other... KATHY You may as well go see 'em. Once you get an idea in your head... Jim reaches over and pulls Kathy's head toward his. Big kiss, then Jim jumps out of bed. INT. MOKI'S APARTMENT, LIVING ROOM- NIGHT Moki talks on the phone as a KNOCK comes at the door. MOKI Let me call you back. (hangs up) Come on in. Rit steps through the door with a glazed hue in his eyes. RIT We're in trouble...I can feel it. We gotta do something. MOKI Like what? Rit considers. RIT I got it. We stage a fire so it looks like the racist, or someone, burned you out. You get a few burns and another big network coverage night for your cause. Moki looks at Rit like he's crazy. MOKI You need some rest. Rit ignores Moki. RIT Yeah, then I can hint that it might be some rogue cops and... by the time anyone figures out it's not... Rit grabs a handful of flyers from the table, then pulls a cigarette lighter from his pocket. MOKI (hollers) Hey! Stop it! Rit bends toward the table full of flyers as Moki leaps toward him. They struggle. Rit grabs Moki's head and forces it back far enough to land a tight jab on Moki's Jaw. Moki stunned sinks to the floor. Rit kicks his jaw, then reaches down and pulls a pint of bourbon from Moki's hip pocket. He sprinkles some on a stack of fallen flyers, then strikes a match and let's it fall to the floor. EXT. MOKI'S APARTMENT- NIGHT Jim pulls up out front on his bike. He steps out of the car and looks up to Moki's window. Flames drift up the curtains. Jim takes off at a run. INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE MOKI'S APARTMENT- NIGHT The THUMPS from Jim's boots racing up the stairs reach Rit's ear as he closes the door to Moki's apartment. JIM (O.S.) MOKI! INT. MOKI'S APARTMENT, LIVING ROOM- NIGHT Rit steps back inside the smoke filled room and flattens himself against the wall. Jim bursts through the door and sees Moki lying on the floor, through the smoke. He races to Moki, then picks him up and slips out the door. EXT. MOKI'S APARTMENT- NIGHT Jim carries Moki out as the fire alarm WAILS and other tenants evacuate, most in their pajamas and robes. Moki coughs violently as Jim lays him on the ground. The fire trucks pull up and fireman start toward the fire. Moki opens his eyes to see Jim. JIM You okay? What happened? Moki coughs again, then glares at Jim. MOKI Accident. INT. SUSAN WHITE'S APARTMENT- NIGHT Susan sits in her robe and reading glasses going over files when her doorbell RINGS. She looks at the door puzzled, then at her watch. SUSAN Who is it? RIT Rit...open up. Susan crosses to the door and opens it a crack. SUSAN I'm sorry Mr. Darnes but I'm ready for bed and--- RIT I've seen pajamas before. Rit, a maniacal look in his eyes, pushes the door open, steps inside and closes it. RIT Time to quit all your teasin'. SUSAN It's time for you to leave Mr. Darnes. Rit smiles, then crosses to Susan. She backs toward an end table. He grabs the lapel of her robe and jerks her off balance. She falls to the floor, with a scream and her lapel, still in Rit's hand, rips exposing her bra. She jumps to her feet and backs toward the end table. Rit grabs her right wrist and presses himself against her, as he fights to control her upper left arm. She squirms, while reaching behind her for a small drawer. She manages to get it open as Rit tries to force a kiss. She pulls out a pistol and slides it up Rit's throat. His eyes bulge as the reality sinks in. He steps back. Rit steps forward. RIT Good bluff. Susan levels the pistol at Rit's head and pulls back the hammer. The hate leaps from her eyes. SUSAN Call or fold? Rit smiles, lets go, and backs toward the door. RIT You mention this and I'll personally see you disbarred. INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE OF COURTROOM- DAY Reporters crowd Rit as he make their way toward the courtroom. MANNY If you lose this case do you still intend to run for Governor? ed tones, the notes from Billie's saddlebags at the defense table. Rit has a new assistant, DICK, mid 30's, squirrelly, sitting by his side shuffling papers nervously. Judge Nancy Cole walks in and sits down. Everyone rises and sits. Charlie Crow Wing sits behind Rit's table in close proximity and plain view of the Jury. He looks grotesque. JUDGE COLE (bangs gavel) This court will come to order. (beat) Mr. Cody...call your next witness. J.T. stands facing Judge Cole. J.T. Your honor...in order to save time and the taxpayers money, I ask if I can do something a little out of the ordinary. Rit seems dazed and far away. Judge Cole looks at him. JUDGE COLE No objection Mr. Prosecutor? RIT Huh? Oh, ah...I'm listening. Judge Cole lifts her eyebrows and turns back to J.T. JUDGE COLE Proceed. J.T. turns around to the audience and nods to three different men all dressed in police dress blues. They stand up. J.T. Your Honor, may I introduce Chief Lawrence Barnes, Deputy Chief Ray Nobles and head of the Police training academy, Deputy Chief Dwain Biggs. (beat) These men are ready to testify as to the character, courage and undaunted self sacrifice that Officer Burke has demonstrated in his time serving this city. (beat) I only ask that the jury note that these three upstanding models to our community are willing to testify on Officer Burke's behalf. Judge Cole looks over to Rit. Rit looks down at his hands. JUDGE COLE Mr. Darnes? Rit looks up. RIT Ah, reserve the right to cross examine at a later date if necessary, Your Honor. JUDGE COLE Granted...let's move on. And Thank You Mr. Cody...you may call your next witness? DISSOLVE TO: Harry Kwahu sits down on the witness stand. J.T. approaches him. J.T. Now Officer Kwahu, we heard Kathy Burke state that her husband was in a protective mood when he went off to answer the domestic violence call at Charlie Crow Wing's house. Do you agree. HARRY Mmm, Jim loves being a daddy. You see Jim's got two speeds, stop and wide open...he never does anything half way. J.T. Have you ever seen his emotional state of mind affect the performance of his duty. Harry looks down confused and searching for an answer. HARRY Well, yeah. You see there's two kinds of cops. There's the guys that just punch their card, stay down and go home as soon as the clock says they can...then there's a few like Jim...ones that really care about makin' a difference. J.T. You and Sergeant Kolwolski were the first on the scene. Would you describe Officer Burke when... DISSOLVE TO: INT. CHARLIE'S APARTMENT, LIVINGROOM- DAY (BLACK AND WHITE) Harry and Dave come running into the living room. Jim, dazed, sits on top of Charlie looking at his bloody hands. Jim looks up to Harry as if he doesn't recognize him. Dave and Harry stop, stare at Charlie's bloody face, then help Jim up by lifting under his shoulders. Dave walks Jim outside as Harry reaches for his radio. HARRY 10-45, Code 3. 318 Grand, government housing. Apt... (looks at door) ...2C. Harry looks over to Dyani cuddling Baby Tse. An almost empty bottle of Generic bourbon lies on the floor between the couch and the coffee table. Harry picks it up. Dyani covers a large bruise on her cheek with her hand. HARRY Who hit you. Dyani, nervously, looks around the room. DYANI I fell. HARRY Drunk? DYANI Yeah, that... (cautious) No, I just tripped. Dyani hides her face against Baby Tse and begins sobbing again. INT. COURTROOM- DAY (RETURN TO COLOR) Dyani, sitting next to Charlie, looks into the distance as Moki comes in and takes the seat on Charlie's other side. Charlie and Moki shake hands. J.T. Thanks Officer. The defense recalls Dyani Crow Wing. Dyani shivers and looks up at J.T., confused. Harry stands to vacate the witness stand. JUDGE COLE Just hold your reins, Officer. Mr. Darnes do you wish to reexamine this witness. Rit looks up at Judge Cole, draws a breath, then stands. RIT Officer Kwahu, when you and Sergeant Kolwolski pulled the defendant from the victim, did Officer Burke put up a fight? HARRY No Sir...but he was--- RIT So...he recognized you. Which would imply that he was aware of his surroundings. Thank you. HARRY Heh, I never said--- RIT That will be all, Officer. Harry stands and faces the jury. HARRY He didn't recognize anyone until he was outside and I handed him the towel. Judge Cole bangs her gavel. RIT Objection! The witness is out of line.Judge ColeThe Jury will disregard that outburst. You're excused Officer Kwahu.Judge Cole bangs her gavel as the court murmurs, except for Dyani, who sits nervous and frightened in her chair.JUDGE COLECome to order. Mr. Cody call your witness.J.T.The defense recalls Dyani Crow Wing.DISSOLVE TO:Dyani sits nervously in the witness box. J.T. walks slowly toward her. J.T. Dyani, do you understand perjury and that you can go to jail for it? DYANI It means to lie. I've seen it on TV. J.T. To lie under oath. Now Dyani, was there a whiskey bottle on the floor? Dyani looks over to Charlie with a desperate plea in her eyes. He just stares at her. DYANI I ah...I don't--- J.T. Had you and Charlie been fighting? Dyani grows more frightened and confused. DYANI Well, we ah, not ah--- J.T. Did he hit you? Dyani looks down as the tears start to roll down her cheek. J.T. steps forward with a handkerchief and holds it out. Dyani looks up at J.T. seeking understanding. Her tears cause her make-up to melt on her face. J.T. leans in close. J.T. (whisper) Show us. Dyani slowly takes the handkerchief from J.T. and begins wiping her cheek. Dark make-up comes off on the handkerchief as the outline of an old bruise appears. J.T. (softly) Dyani, I want to remind you that if you perjure yourself and go to jail...Your baby could end up with Charlie. Dyani swallows and glances over at Charlie. J.T. Did Charlie get drunk and hit you? Dyani nods as she sniffs and wipes tears from her cheek. DYANI He... he... Dyani looks to Charlie. Charlie tightens his jaw. DYANI ...he threw--- CHARLIE (stands, enraged) You stupid bitch! DYANI He threw my baby down the stairs...(sob, sob). The courtroom chatters as Judge Cole bangs her gavel. JUDGE COLE Order! Order in this court. (to Charlie) Mr. Crow Wing, further outburst will be considered contempt of court. (beat) Mr. Cody...proceed. J.T. (softly) What happened to your Baby? Dyani sniffs and looks over at Jim with a painful but sympathetic smile. DYANI He caught...he caught my baby. INTERCUT (BLACK AND WHITE) SLOW MOTION: Jim lunges outstretched, barely able to get his hands under the baby. He catches him. DYANI (V.O.) Then his eyes went all crazy... CU of: Jim's face twisted in rage and disbelief looking up the stairs. DYANI (V.O.) ...then I grabbed Tse from him and hid behind the couch. J.T. (V.O.) Who were you afraid of? Dyani buries her head in a pillow and peaks out at the shadows of Jim flailing Charlie. DISSOLVE TO: INT. BLACK The sounds of Dyani CRYING and the baby CRYING mix with the steady THUMP of boots running up the stairs. Charlie delivers a savage war cry. DYANI (V.O.) Charlie. INT. COURTROOM- DAY (RETURN TO COLOR) Dyani cries in the witness box as a silent audience looks on. Ricky gently helps Dyani from the witness stand. JUDGE COLE (softly) Ten minute recess. Judge Cole bangs her gavel as Billie stands in the back corner and slips out the hallway doors with the crowd. INT. JUDGE NANCY COLE'S OFFICE- DAY Nancy sips a Yoo Hoo as a knock comes at the door. NANCY Come on. Rit walks in with his left hand in his pant's pocket. He looks at Nancy as he walks up to her desk. He pulls out the engagement ring and lays it in front of her. RIT (slightly maniacal) Here's how we play it...You instruct the jury to disregard her testimony and ah... (MORE) RIT (CONT'D) have her analyzed by a psychologist. We can turn this around. Nancy looks up at Rit disbelievingly. RIT His frame of mind doesn't discount racial prejudice and the fact that he committed the cri--- NANCY I don't believe you. Rit looks at her in an utter stupor. RIT But Sweetheart...we're going to live in the Governor's mansion and--- NANCY (fuming) We drew lines between private and professional long ago and I've done my damnedest to ignore...your, not so subtle, attempts at manipulation. (screams) Ricky! Ricky opens the door and steps in. NANCY Show Mr. Darnes to a lavatory. (to Rit) And take this with you. Nancy throws the ring at Rit. He doesn't try to catch it. Rit glares contemptuously at Nancy. RIT I will not be told what to do by--- NANCY Then you are excused from this case. A knock comes at the partially open door. J.T. Got a minute, Your Honor? Rit looks around nervously. RIT I'll...freshen up. Rit shakes his head and looks at Nancy. He sighs and slowly turns toward Ricky. Ricky leads Rit out of the office. INT. COURTROOM- DAY Judge Nancy Cole bangs her gavel as Billie slips in the back of the courtroom. J.T., wearing a pleading look, catches Billie's eye. Billie, pushes his eyes to the ground, then finds a chair. JUDGE COLE Let's have order. (beat) Mr. Cody...call your next witness. J.T. looks down at Billie's legal pad. CU OF LEGAL PAD: showing J.T.'s finger lingering on a hangman's stick figure by number 5. J.T. looks up slowly. J.T. Ah...defense rests Your Ho--- BILLIE Wait! Billie stands up in the back of the court. BILLIE Permission to approach? JUDGE COLE (wagging head) Come on. Billie walks through the swinging doors, stops and looks to J.T. A huge grin crosses J.T.'s face. He nods to Billie. Billie looks over to Moki sitting next to Charlie. Moki looks away. Billie looks to Judge Cole. BILLIE With your permission... (MORE) BILLIE (CONT'D) I'll resume my duties as Counsel for the defense and call my last witness. Judge Cole sighs and wags her head. JUDGE COLE Why not. BILLIE The defense calls...William Bonnie Jr. Moki looks up in amazement from his seat beside Charlie. RIT Objection! This witness was not listed on--- JUDGE COLE Oh, shut up. RIT Exception! Judge Nancy Cole looks at Rit glaring back at her. JUDGE COLE Noted...proceed. Moki rises unsuredly. Maria, worried, makes her way to an empty seat at the defense table. Billie looks over at her his eyes twinkling with a momentary pride. Moki sits down at the witness stand, then sees Maria sitting with Billie and J.T. He looks down. RICKY Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? MOKI (mutters) I do. Billie stands, then approaches Moki. Billie's whole demeanor shows pain. BILLIE Are you prejudice? MOKI What kind of question is that. BILLIE An unanswered one. Moki shifts in the chair. He looks up at Billie. MOKI Yes. BILLIE Against who? MOKI Racists. BILLIE You mean white racists. Moki clenches his fist and looks toward Rit. MOKI (raised voice) The white man raped this country and destroyed cultures that existed for thousands of years without so much as an, 'I'm sorry.' They think they can abuse our rights. Never again. BILLIE Good speech...but you didn't answer the question. MOKI Yes, I hate white racists... like him. Moki points to Jim. BILLIE So, that would make you a red racist, no a half-white half-red racist. Correct? MOKI (teeth clenched) Lap it up old man. This is the last time I'll ever speak to you. BILLIE I'll take that as a yes. (beat) Now tell me...did Jim Burke ever save your life? Moki tightens his lips and glares at Billie. MOKI (mutters) Yes. BILLIE Do you think he was only saving the white half and accidentally saved the red half by mistake? Moki looks down and sighs slowly, then up to Maria at the defense table. She nods. MOKI (mutters) No. BILLIE I'm sorry...we couldn't hear you. MOKI No. He... (looks to Jim) ...he did it because...he cares. Moki's eyes fall to the floor as silence engulfs the courtroom. MOKI We wanted to set an example--- BILLIE And the price was just one innocent white man. Moki bows his head in shame. MOKI Yes. BILLIE (louder) Did Charlie Crow Wing want to press charges in the beginning? Moki looks over to Rit again. Rit looks away. BILLIE Didn't you and Prosecutor Darnes conspire to persuade Charlie Crow Wing to file the complaint so you could both use this case to further your own agendas? Moki looks at a tense Rit sitting at the table. MOKI Yes! (softer) Yes. Rit looks down at his hands, defeated. DISSOLVE TO: (LATER) Lisa Kelp hands Ricky an envelope. Ricky takes it to Judge Cole. JUDGE COLE The defendant will stand and face the jury. Jim, Billie, Maria and J.T. stand up. JUDGE COLE How say you Madam foreman. LISA We find the defendant, Jim Burke...not guilty, due to temporary insanity. Rit looks up at Judge Cole. She wags her head, no, as half of the crowd cheers. The Native American half starts to file out with their heads down. Rit pushes his way through the crowd. Kathy rushes through the swinging doors into Jim's arms. Dave, Harry, Elaine, George and Ken surround railing, behind the defense table, affirming their belief in Jim's innocence. Judge Cole bangs her gavel. Everyone hushes and looks up. JUDGE COLE Ah, what the hell. (MORE) JUDGE COLE (CONT'D) Court's adjourned. Officer Burke you are free to go. The jury is dismissed. (beat, softer) Ah, Mr. Cody...I wonder if you would drop by my office later? J.T. looks up to Judge Cole and smiles as Jim turns to Billie. JIM Thank You. BILLIE No. Thank you for making me... (looks to J.T.) ...face my demons. J.T. gives Billie a grin as Kathy reaches into her pocketbook and pulls out an already opened letter. She hands it to Jim. Jim pulls out the page inside and reads. JIM (to Kathy) You mailed my application? Kathy and Billie share a conspiratorial smile. Billie nods toward the page. Jim finishes scanning the page and looks up at Billie dazed. JIM They wantta talk to me about the Police Chief job. Billie nods, yes. HARRY You know, I've been thinking of moving to the suburbs. Elaine, Ken and George all MUTTER their interest. Moki stands near the door as the crowd clears out. Jim sees him and walks over. Moki looks up at Jim, then down at the ground. MOKI I, ah...I'm sorry, Jim, for--- Jim puts his hand on Moki's shoulder. Moki looks up. JIM Never apologize for backing something you believe in. Moki looks up and tries to smile. He sees Billie looking at him hopefully from across the room. Jim turns and sees Billie. JIM And never... Jim catches a glimpse of Kathy and Jim Jr. JIM ...underestimate the power of a father's love. Jim nods toward Billie. Moki looks at Jim, then starts toward Billie. EXT. COURTHOUSE, FRONT STEPS- DAY Rit pushes angrily through the reporters as they fire questions at him. Manny closes in, tape recorder in hand. MANNY Now that Ms. White has filed charges do you expect to--- Rit stops and looks at Manny disbelievingly. He pushes Manny with his hand. Manny stumbles backwards on the steps and falls down the last few. Rit looks confused and walks down to Manny. Rit grabs under Manny's arms and jerks him up. RIT What were you saying? Manny, slightly afraid, nods to Rit. MANNY Your co-counsel just filed attempted rape and sexual harassment charges against you. Rit stares disbelievingly at Manny, then lets him go. Rit sinks to the bottom step to the Courthouse and looks up at the reporters who look on QUIETLY MURMURING. Rit lays his head in his hands. Karen snaps a photo of Rit. Sergeant Dave and Officer Harry walk up and gently pull Rit to his feet. They read him his rights and cuff him. Susan stands on the top step watching as Manny walks up and puts an arm around her. They watch as Harry and Dave lead Rit off. Adam Grey walks up in front of Dave, blocking his path. ADAM What in the hell's going on here? Dave and Harry smile at each other. DAVE You just saved us a trip. Seems a couple of Skin-heads we busted on a weapons charges had a lot to say about you. INTERCUT OF RIT'S PHOTO: in the Austin paper, sitting on the bottom step with his head down. The caption reads, "The Last Step." EXT. BILLIE'S OFFICE, FRONT- DAY A small crowd stands beside the door to Billie's office. J.T. tapes a "NANCY COLE FOR GOVERNOR," poster to the front window. The crowd consists of Maria, Jim, Billie, J.T., Nancy, Kathy holding Jim Jr., and Moki all watching Javier paint the final touches. Javier picks up his tool box and backs away. The crowd makes way for him. We can finally read the lettering on the door. Fresh gold paint glistens on Billie's door reading, "William R. Bonnie & (blank space) ...Attorneys at Law." JAVIER I left room for another name. Billie looks up at Moki. Moki smiles at Billie. JIM Family is a lot like golf... it's all in the approach. Billie gets a gleam in his eye and looks toward the corner of the building. Billie nods to Jim. Billie leads Jim and the whole procession around the building. Nancy and J.T. hold hands. EXT. BILLIE'S OFFICE, ROOFTOP, REAR- DAY Jim, Moki, J.T., Nancy, Javier, Kathy, Jim Jr. and Maria stand waiting behind the driving platform. Billie steps up on it and hands his wallet and penknife to Jim. Billie picks up the bucket of water and pours it over his head. He shakes, tees up a ball, then picks up the driver. Billie smiles at Jim. Jim smiles and wags his head. Billie pulls back and creams the ball. SLOW MOTION: the ball sails toward the one remaining window pane in a circle of broken out panes. It's on target...it's gonna hit it..........it misses to the left by two inches. BILLIE The other thing 'bout family... you gotta keep workin' at it. Jim nods in agreement as Billie tees up another ball. He hits it. It sails toward the lone pane. FREEZE FRAME: on ball two feet from the glass. THE END 2.